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A/n: all creds to if I stay and Gayle forman
December 5 ,9:00 am


Right now I'm in the kitchen having breakfast
While I finish my music .

I wake up this morning to a thin blanket of white covering our front lawn. this is very normal for Portland especially in December .

Have you guys ever heard that saying

"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans"?

If you haven't take my dad as an example,

When my little brother Tyler was born my dad quit his band to get a real job, but then he fell in love with teaching and now he teaches at a middle school a couple blocks away from my high school, iridium high.

Or my mom her job is a halftime travel agent and a fulltime super mom.these days she only Moshe's with Tyler.

Than there's me, i thought i knew were i was going, I thought I had it all maped out .turns out I have no idea.

Mom:one coffee for you .

She hands me the coffee

Emma:thanks .
I smiled at her

Tyler:me too I want some.

he loudly spoke with joy

Dad:no way little dude we don't give cofee to someone who is already at speed.

Mom:don't worry we'll give him de caff

I look at her

Emma:wow. As long as you don't switch me
I say smiling

Mom:no baby that would be child abuse!

I laughed

Mom:hey have you seen this?

She hands me a news paper
I see a picture of him at the very front of the page

Emma:yeah I got an alert yesterday

Mom:it's the most you've seen of him in a couple of months

Not meaning to I said

Emma:I know
As my voice got softer

My dad comes over and looks at the news paper

Dad: oh my god is he really opening up for Taylor swift?

(A/n:couldn't think of anyone else)
Emma:yeah when they play in Portland tonight .

Dad:that's huge!

Emma:yeah its kinda crazy ,everything He's actually wanted is coming true...

I say looking down

Mom:I know you guys haven't been talking late----

Emma:I really don't want to talk about it!

I say raising my voice a little

Emma:I'm sorry.

Mom:its okay sweetheart I'm just saying if you guys miss each other its okay to reach out.

I look down at the news paper

Dad:okay come on let's go if you guys want a ride!

I was putting all my stuff away

Mom:baby turn that up a bit

She says to my dad

Radio:"due to the weather today all schools in Portland have been closed till tomorrow,yes! That means no school kids!

Dad:are you hearing this maria!?

Tyler stood up with wide eyes

Tyler:yes school is out forever!

He said running toward dads direction

My dad picked him up

Tyler:let's go build a snow monster!

Dad: we could try,but it doesn't seem like its sticking out there!

Mom: so all of you are staying home, that's not fair!

Tyler: life isn't fair!

Mom:that's true but sometimes you just have to lie a little!

She started fake coughing

Mom: oh no I can't go to work with this cough I'm going to spread my germs.

I laughed

I looked down at the news paper

You don't know how much I miss you jax

If I Stay [Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now