Author's note

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So, lovelies, here we are - the last part.

Before I say goodbye, there are some things I'd like to tell you.

1. Don't you dare think that writing a story with script form, barely any description, is easy! Because it's not! Trust me, it is the hardest thing in the world. So, if you have decided to write your story in this style, give up! Stick to the original first point of view (or third) with dialogue and actual description. It's easier.

2. I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING! ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING! Neither Kristen, neither Alicia, neither Jesse, neither Robert. Nothing! Okay, maybe the storyline.

And that was the finale of "Smile" .

P.S. I'm NOT making a sequel.




Smile ツ Kristen StewartWhere stories live. Discover now