Chapter 9

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to Hadesworld, thanks for being such a loyal reader! Okay back to the book....

"Lyritha!" I yell in aguish, trying to catch up to her but she is falling so fast. Her eyes stare into mine, no longer are they black but back to their icy blue color. Blood is at the corner of her mouth. Lyritha!
I reach my arms out to her and my hands brush hers. Almost! Come one! Come on! My hand latches onto hers. Oh thanks the gods. I pull her closer to me and fly back up. We land on an island, I cradle her in my lap and try to stop the bleeding. It won't stop!
"Lyritha, come one. Stay with me." I beg. Her breathing is labored and her wound is so severe... I don't know what to do! Zeus lands next to me, why isn't he doing anything! Lyrithas eyes look up me unseeing.
"No! No, Lyritha! Oh gods, no." I cry holding her close and cry into her neck. She's gone. Lyritha is dead. I look up Zeus who is just staring at her.
"You didn't do anything! You let her die!" I yell at him, holding her even closer. He finally looks at me. "You let Lyritha die protecting us. How could you?" I ask. He looks away. All the sudden black spirally smoke appears not for in fornt of us. When is forms its Hades holding.... Lyritha! She is white and see through, like a ghost.
"Hades. What are you doing here?" Zeus voice booms suddenly, shaking everything. Hades glares at his blonde brother. Hades takes a few steps forward.
"I, Zeus, dear brother, am brining MY daughters soul back." Hades conters.
"Your daughter?!" Zeus yells. "She is my daughter! I raised her until I lost her, you cannot claim her as your own!" Hades eyes narrows at Zeus.
"She is my daughter. It is not my fault that I didn't know until now. Hera hid her from me! I was not aware of having a child and didn't find out till her soul showed up in the Underworld!" Hades argues. He kneels next to her body and lays her soul into her. "I won't let her die, unlike you." He seethes at Zeus. Finally, someone cares for her besides me!
I stare at Lyritha, burshing a few strands of her long black hair away from her face. Come on Lyritha.... wake up...
Her blue eyes snap open as she sucks in her first breathe in over five minutes.

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