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I finally hit the ground. It's painful but I can handle it. I finally have a chance to check my wings, its a little hard to check them when you are falling face first at an incredible speed. My shoulders hurt so bad.
I reach a hand to feel if I hurt them. My fingers make contact with sticky skin. I scream. It hurts, it hurts so bad! I bring my hand back. Blood. My hand is covered in blood. She took them!
Hera, my mother, has taken my wings and stranded me on Earth. This is what happens when you know something she doesn't want you to. I knew Zeus wasn't my father and that Hades was. It was clear as day for me. I can see through lies. Hera hated me for it. She couldn't trick me like the other goddesses.
She knew that if the fall didn't kill me then this world would. The cruelty and greed in this world.... it's to much. I thrive on kindness and purity. The heavens was the only place I could be happy in. My wings would take me any where. And she took them. She took them in the most brutal way she could. She had them ripped from me.
She not only took my wings but she took the man I knew as my father, Zeus, and my brother, Ares. They will think me dead. How could she do this to her youngest child? At the ripe age of ten? Oh right, she a awful mother who relies on deciet.
The heavens start to cry. My father must have heard the news of my 'demise'. Thunder and lighting crash across the sky. This only happens when he's angry or his heart is breaking. My poor father, grieving the loss of his daughter. I feel hot tears streaking down my face as I cry. I cry in pain. Pain from my wings and pain for never going to my father again.
No, I refuse to let Hera win. I will go back to heaven, no matter how long it takes. She will pay for this! She has caused the heavens to cry while she sits idly by smirking. That is was she is doing. I know my mother well, she loves deceiving people.
You wait Hera. I'll be back. I'm not gone yet.
I am Lyritha. Daughter of Hera and Hades. I am the heiress of the Heavens and the Underworld. I have more power than any god or goddess.

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