She drank a lot.

"That bastard... falling for that human harlot... He has me... why doesn't he love me anymore? What am I lacking?" She said, running her hands through her hair and letting out angry sobs. She blew and threw the bottle at the wall, making it shatter.

A year later...

The vision shifted and here I was when dad finally left for good. I stood in front of the door, my dad in front of me with a suitcase and dressed formally.

His blue hair was short, and his beard shaved. "Hey, Vinny." He said in a small voice.

He leaned down at me, and hugged me. "Tell mommy I left, she'll be mad, but please... don't be angry with me." He said, I notice that he is trying to hold in tears.

"Why are you leaving?" I asked.

Dad let me go and looked me in the eyes. "Because, I don't belong here, Vinny. I belong somewhere else. With other people." He said.

My dad was the type to give it straight to anyone, to be blunt and not hold anything back. Even to a child like me he was blunt and always told the truth.

"I love someone else, not your mom... she's changed too much." He whispered.

I felt like crying, but keep wanted to put on a brave face, so I sucked it up. He stood then, and opened the door, walking into the light. A secretary, that was with him often, diligent and quiet, stood there with a car.

"Mr. Seto, are you ready to leave?" She asked, then the door closed, leaving me in a quiet house.

Ten years later...

Why more? Does my mind just want to remember everything right now? Now I'm seventeen, young and reckless. This is about the time I started to work in V.

I stood outside a building as a man ran past me, holding a baby girl in his arms. I slowly follow, this man is supposed to hand over that baby, it was an abomination to me at that time.

I watch the man put the baby under a subway, and leave, with a determined face on. After he left, I walk up to the baby, who I crying. The small tuft of teal hair on its head was cute, and the one ghoul eye shone brightly.

A half ghoul.

I'm supposed to kill it, right? I make my kagune come out and put it to the babies neck, but the baby stops crying and reaches out and touches the kagune, making weird baby noises.

But the baby was smiling...

That was the moment that I couldn't take it. I had lost dad because he knew mom was doing this type of stuff, I wasn't going to be someone he hated also.

I put away my kagune and see others coming, and I quickly escape through the subway tunnels.

That day I escaped and left V behind. I never wanted to hear of it again, but it always seemed to crawl back and haunt me. Through the rest of my years I met many different people.

I met Yomo about it a month later after quitting V, and then I met the old owl, only to find out that he was the father of that one child. I never told him that I was tasked to kill his child, and that I almost did, now that I think about it, maybe I should have, then Aogiri wouldn't be so powerful.

In my recent years I met Touka, and the others from Anteiku, then went dark for awhile. Anteiku fell while I was away, and I opened up Nest, to somehow put myself on the right track for all the horrible things I have done.

Then... one day I heard a rumor...

"Hey, did you hear that there's a half ghoul being held in confinement in Cochlea?"

"Yeah, but I heard that this ghoul is special! It can eat Human food!"

"What? Stop joking with me."

"Rumor goes it's been there for almost it's whole life... what do you think it's like in there?"

"Dunno, and I don't care. It's a stupid rumor."

I then looked more into the rumor, got into the mainframe of the documents and found out about the boys past. Through all the things I've heard I never once heard the name, "Seto".

Then the rest is simple. I broke him out. And I met Levin for the first time.


As I finish my dream, I'm shaken awake, and find Nashiro beside me with a worried expression. I rub my eyes and try to get myself to wake up fully.

"What's up? Need something to eat?" I mumbled.

She bit her lip. "You were mumbling in your sleep, you started to cry as some point." She said.

I quickly feel my cheeks and find dried tears on them. I wipe my cheeks and give her a smile. "Sorry, just dreaming stupid things." I said with a chuckle.

There was a sudden loud noise. Me and Nashiro look at each other and then stand, it sounded like banging on metal...

As I walked into the lounge, I looked at the TV, which had the camera feeds on. I freeze in place, looking at the entrance and the street feed.

"Yasu... get everyone to the emergency exit." I said, and Nashiro nodded immediately, starting to round everyone up.

CCG found us.

(Get ready for big reveals, and even more tragedy. Oh I love putting you guys through this! Nonetheless I hope you enjoyed, and have a wonderful day!) - MnMs171

PS - I'm starting to put Tarot cards in to make it a bit more interesting, so if you find any... (*cough* there's one in this chapter *cough*). Ishida, the original writer of TG, also put Tarots in, so I wanted to try it.

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