Lilliana Weasley

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Name:Lilliana Rose Weasley
Age:Year below Ginny
Family:Molly Weasley(mother) Arthur Weasley(father) Fred Weasley(brother) George Weasley(brother) Percy Weasley(brother) Bill Weasley(brother) Charlie Weasley(brother) Ron Weasley(brother) Ginny Weasley(sister)
Extra:Lily is her nickname, She is different, she was disowned
Abilities:Earth Elemental
Best subject(s):All
Worst subject(s):none
Description:Lily was disowned after being sorted into Slytherin, she is the youngest Weasley, and her best friend is Moaning Myrtle, she is alone a lot, and excels in every class, she takes every class except divination, and uses a time turner to get to all of her classes

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