Chapter 1

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       It was havoc, everything and everyone was going crazy. The base was crumbling thanks to the Resistance, and we needed to evacuate the planet. I was running through the hallways, going to board a ship when I glanced in the General's office. He was just sitting at his desk. I backed up and stopped inside the door.
       "General?" I questioned, stepping further inside. He looked up at me, his blue eyes tired. His usually slicked back hair was messy and hanging in his face.
       "What do you want?" he said, his voice harsh, but without the same authority as he normally had.
"With all due respect, sir," I said bowing my head. "The base has been compromised. We need to get off this planet."
"What's the point?" he asked, though it didn't feel like he was addressing me. "I've failed my mission, become a disgrace. I'd rather die here with my plans than let Snoke tear me apart."
I wasn't completely sure what he was talking about, though it was clear that he wasn't in his right mind. He almost seemed afraid, but his face seemed stoic.
"Sir," I said desperately, moving over to the desk. "I understand your feelings, but you're reasoning is flawed. Just because this didn't go according to plan doesn't make you a failure. You should be inspired to continue with your efforts in leading the First Order. I can honestly say that I couldn't imagine anyone else being able to command the way you do. Your plans aren't going to fall apart because of this one defeat, they'll fail because you let this defeat you, sir."
He stared at me for a long time, sitting back in his chair. He looked like he was pondering something. I felt anxious to have him look me over so intensely, and having the plant crumbling around us wasn't helping anything.
"Why don't I know your name?" he asked, his cold eyes looking into my own. "You're wearing one of the First Order uniforms."
I stood at attention, though I was a bit nervous. "I am a new member sir, a low ranking officer," I said. "I'm not surprised my name wasn't given to you as it isn't of utmost importance."
"It is now," he said, standing up and quickly grabbing his long coat. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me along with him.
It took me a moment to work past my initial surprise to realize that I had gotten through to him. I watched him as he raced through the base, his greatcoat fanning out behind him. He was leading me to his personal ship, where a group of Stormtroopers were waiting outside.
"We were worried you weren't coming," one said, as we passed him. He said nothing and hurried onboard, barking out orders like he used to. It was almost comforting to see him that way.
"Where is Ren?" he yelled at one trooper. When he didn't get an adequate answer, he pulled out a small device and began checking it. I watched in surprise as he located him in the middle of the forest of the planet. He gave the coordinates to the pilot and turned to me as we took off.
"We're going to have to pick him up," the General said, standing tall over me now. He looked very fearsome when he was in command. "Stay in the ship, understand? I don't know his temper or what he might do, so listen to me and stay inside."
I nodded, my back pressed against a wall as he ordered me. I knew better than to disobey him and having heard stories of Ren's temper before, I knew he was being serious. Before, I had thought it was an exaggeration used to scare away trainees, but with the way General talked...
       I shook my head and tried not to think about Kylo Ren. I had yet to see him, especially so close and I wasn't keen on having to be in tight quarters with him on this ship. I figured if he was in the middle of the forest on a imploding planet, he was not going to be happy.
I held tightly to the wall as we made a bumpy landing in the forest. As requested, I didn't follow the General or the troopers outside to get Ren, but that didn't keep me from watching from the window.
Even from a good distance away, I could tell he was injured. Blood stained the crisp snow that he was laying defeated in. I saw him use the Force to throw one Stormtrooper against a tree and could nearly hear the General yelling at him.
The planet shook and crumbled around them, and I watched as General Hux picked up Ren's arm and placed it over his shoulder to help him walk back to the ship. I was surprised by the action. Not only did it seem a kind, personal gesture to help Ren, but I didn't consider the General to be that strong. I felt immediately bad for thinking it, but compared to others, he seemed thinner and smaller. I'm sure his busy schedule didn't allow much time for lunch, much less physical training.
I got out of their way as he was carried to the small infirmary on board. I could hear fighting and cursing on Ren's part, but it was clear that he was weak. I begin to pity him since this was clearly embarrassing in his mind. To be honest, it was more embarrassing that he fought getting help so hard. It made him seem like a child.
Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice the General approach me. "We need your help," he said, catching my attention. "None of these troopers no anything but battle strategy and fighting. No real medical knowledge at all, an oversight on my part. Do you think you can...assist Ren? Anything to ease his pain."
I had some knowledge of healing, though it had been taught to me a long time ago and I wasn't sure how much I remembered. Still I nodded. "I will do my best sir."
       For a second, I thought I saw him grin, but it was gone before I knew it. He placed his hand on my shoulder as he passed me by, and I wondered what that small gesture meant.

A/N: I don't know why I felt compelled to write this but I did and here it is. This will be short, maybe 5 parts tops, but I hope you like it. I like General Hux and it is Kiss A Ginger Day so I felt it was appropriate ;)

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