Boss Ass Bitch

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Yui Pov
I sighed as I entered my room. Today was another day or night of having these damn vampires trying to suck my blood. I am so sick of it. But something was hurting me more. Something Kanato said. " You are so boring. The only thing you are good for is being our blood bag" I was boring? Well then, I will show them. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought about it. What if I looked different? What if I acted different? I wonder how they would feel. "Don't knock it till you try it." A voice in my head said. I smirked. Looks like I am going shopping tommorow.
-the next night-
I was smiling at the stuff I bought this morning. I decided to shop in the morning since the vampires slept during that time. I am so happy I still had enough money to buy these things. I glanced at the clock. I had 4 hours till it was time for school. I smirked to myself. Time to change from shy and weak Yui Komori to a bad ass bitch.
-Time to go to school-
"Ugh. I don't want to go to school." Ayato whined.
"Ayato always says that. Right teddy" said Kanato
"You are going to school and that is final" said Reiji
"So noisy" said Shu
"Oi pancake. Let's g-" his voice melted when he took a good look at me.
"Ayato why is your mouth o-" Laito began to say when he looked at me and was shocked himself. Then all of the brothers turned and all of their mouths dropped open.
The Brothers Pov
What in the world happened to her?! Yui, who I think is Yui, was different. She was wearing what we can call black hooker boots that went up to her knees. Her skirt was dangerously short. Her shirt was not buttoned at the top revealing cleavage and she wore a small black leather coat over her school jacket. Her hair had pink and purple highlights that were tied in a messy ponytail on the top of her hair. She had on red lipstick and and earring that connected from her ear to her lip. She was leaning on the stairwell and crossed her arms with an attitude that said don't FUCK with me. Again, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?
Yui Pov
I wanted to laugh at their shocked expressions but I wanted to keep cool.
"What the fuck are you guys looking at?"
All of them shook their heads and rubbed their eyes as if to make sure they were not hallucinating.
"Tch whatever" I just sasshayed myself pass them. I could practically see Laito drooling but I ignored him. We got in the limo and began to drive but they would not stop looking at me. It irritated me.
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT" I yelled so loud that they jumped.
" Well Yui" Reiji began "I wanted to know-"
"What the epic hell did you do to yourself?" Subaru interrupted. I looked at all of them. "Nothing. Why do you ask?"
"Nfu. Bitch chan looks delectable." Laito said lifting up my skirt. Now you see shy Yui we freak out and let him continue but this week was not the week. I grabbed his prying hand twisted it around his back planted him on the limo floor. His fedora rolled to Shu's feet, who like his brothers were ready to shit themselves. " now listen you actual motherfucker cause I'm only going to this once. I. AM. NOT CORDELIA. Okay? I am no slut who fucks little fuckboys. I like real men, not little boys trying to be men. Understand?" There was silence in the limo and I got off him, sat back down and crossed my legs. The boy stayed on the floor looking like a dead fish. When we finally reached the school I went out the limo and flipped my hair. I saw everyone staring at me and the Mukamis. I heard people whispering, " is that komori? What happened to her? She looks kind of cool?" I ignored everyone and walked into the school building.
-Lunch Break-
I was the talk of the day. Everyone wanted to know what happened to me. It was so simple, the Sakamakis but I didn't let them know that. As I turned the corner of the hallway I was greeted with the familiar sight of Kou's fangirls. I hated these girls but mostly Kou for making them attack me. As I walked past I felt the familiar cold grip of the two face idol. Here we go.
"Hello M neko chan. You look different today." I stared at him with a bored expression.
" but it looks good on you" then as usual he tried to lean down and kiss me. That right there, was the last straw. I grabbed him by the collar and punched him square on the face. I heard the girls gasp but I did not stop. I gave him a slap then grabbed him so he faced me. "Now listen you two faced lucifer." Kou's eyes widened and his eye turned red to read my mind but I started to actually speak my mind. "I'm sick of you, your fangirls, and your two face face ass. You pretend in front of them, then you see me and kiss me and knowing your fangirls will beat me up you stand there and watch. Now listen, I don't have time for ass and I will never like your ass" I started to attract a crowd and in that crowd were Kou's brothers and the sakamakis. " I already have six bastards at home to deal with and I don't have time for you. Find yourself another bitch to trick. And if you ever try me again I will personally send your father the penis that I am going to cut off you, GOT IT?" then I dropped him and walked away with Kou sitting on the ground shitting himself.
-final bell rings-
It was time to go home and I was happy about that. But my happiness was soon broken when three of Kou's puppets came to face me. "Excuse me. May we have a word with you"
"NOPE" I tried walking away when one of the girls pulled my hair and slapped me. I stood there with a countdown in my head.
"How dare you do that to Kou sama"
"Have you no shame"
"You will pay for what you did to his beautiful face"
"Well, any last words?"
"DIIIIIIIE" I yelled before laying the smack down on their asses. I punched. Kicked. Slapped. Everything to the point where I saw blood. I heard people cheering me on and that only fueled my fire. The three girls started to cry till the principal came to break us up. Well, after that fiasco, I got one week suspension. Because those bitches started it, they got three weeks and broken bones. When I got inside the limo it was another war zone.
"How could you get in a fight?" Reiji began to lecture me on. Which I ignored.
"I expect this behavior from Subaru, not from you"
"hey, don't drag me in this" Subaru said
"Yui. What do you have to say for yourself" Reiji looked at me crossing his arms for an answer.
"Bitches get stitches" I answered
Laito coughed but snickered at my comment. Ayato grinned like a proud father. Shu had his eyes closed but he still gave a small smile. Subaru turned away but the smile was on his face. Kanato just had a blank look and Reiji did not look amused.
"Looks like I'm going to have to punish you when we get home." Reiji said while pushing up his glasses.
"Really Reiji. You don't think you trying to stick that small dick in me is punishment enough?" That did it. Ayato and Laito fell on the ground laughing their asses off. Laughing so hard tears came out of their eyes. Kanato looked like he was choking. Shu opened both eyes (YES BOTH EYES) to look at me with eyes like saucers. Subaru was holding back his laughter which resulted in his stomach hurting. As for Reiji, his eye twitched and he glared. He was very pissed off.
-the next day-
Since I was suspended from school and the rest of the Sakamakis went I waited till they came back. I was going to do something drastic. After many hours I heard them come in the house. Finally. I got up, grabbed my jacket and my secret weapon. I went downstairs and passed by the suck-makis. "And where do you think you're going?" Reiji said with arms crossed. I turned slowly with an evil grin on my face. "Oh, I'm just going to do something at the Mukamis" he raised an eyebrow and sighed. "Make sure you come back. We still have to discuss your punishment" I rolled my eyes and left. time to raise hell.
-Mukami mansion-
I sneaked into the back and into the house. Then I found all of them in their living room still in their school uniform. Azusa sensed me and looked at me. "Eve...what doing here?" I smirked. "Hey Zuzu" Yuma chocked on his laughter,"Zuzu?"
"Cute nickname right?"
"M neko chan, you are not welcome here" kou said with a glare. I rolled my eyes at him.
"Yui, I know you are not here to see 'Zuzu'. What do you want?" Ah Ruki. Always got to be the cool one.
"Well, Ruki. I came to ask you guys a question."
Ruki glanced at me from his book sideways.
"And that is..." he asked.
"Do you feel lucky?" They all looked at me confused...until I pulled out my gigantic water gun
"WHAT THE F-" but I sprayed Yuma before he could finish
"SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND" and the battle began. I sprayed all of them with water and they chased me. I guess thanks to adrenaline I was as fast as a vampire. I opened my jacket and threw water balloons at them. One of them hit Kou square in the face. Bullseye. One hit Yuma in the arm. I knocked azusa's beret off with another and as for Ruki, hit him right in the chest. Huh, maybe he can actually feel since he had no heart. Well, the heartless man caught me and looked like a snake that was disturbed during mating season.
"Go clean yourselves up" Ruki ordered his brothers while glaring at me. I'm in trouble. I was dragged into his bedroom and pushed onto his bed. He got on top of me and tried to bite my neck. Keyword tried. I kicked him in the balls. Which he groaned and got off me. I tried to run out the door but he grabbed me. He got his handcuffs out of his dresser and pushed me back on the bed.
"Looks like you want a painful punishment livestock." I looked up at him and with all the strength in me I flipped him over, grabbed the handcuffs and cuffed him to the bed. I sat on his crotch and started to grind on him. He moaned, which made me lick me my lips. I leaned forwards till my breasts were on him and I looked into his eyes. Then I whispered in his ear," No Ruki. Today I am the master and you are MY livestock" I felt him harden from that and smirked. That night was full of moans and screams till the next day.

Thanks for reading. These are things I daydream Yui doing so if she seems out of character, that was the point of this oneshot. Man my fingers hurt but hey. Anyway come back next time. Okay. Or read my other book.

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