The Bag Chapter 13

Start from the beginning

I rushed out of the bathroom and grabbed my hair brush.

"Let me do it" Brandon said grabbing the brush out of my hand.

"Should I trust you?" I joked.

"Yes, I've done my sisters hair millions of times" he rolled his eyes and began brushing my hair.

After sitting in silence for a good minute, I spoke up.

"So, refresh my mind, what is going to happen today?" I asked looking at my unpainted nails.

"Well the plan is to go to the warehouse and sit and wait until Travis shows up. Then we attack" Brandon said before standing up,"done" he handed me my brush and I set it on my bed.

"Alright then, how is this supposed to help me get out of the gang anyway?" I rose a brow and put my iPhone in my bag that was under my bed.

"Hopefully it will end with The Robins leader and myself- hopefully me on top. Then I'll make him let you leave by trading something of his" He said opening my door and glancing towards me.

"You said 'The Robins leader'. Why didn't you say his name?" I questioned as I walked out of my room before him.

"Because I don't know who the leader is" He said following me down my staircase.

"How don't you know? He was your friend" I turned around to face him when I got to the bottom of the stairs.

"What?" He leaned in.

"Yeah, you were friends with him. I also.." I trailed off.

"Dated him?" Brandon completed my sentence with a sigh.

"Yea" I said quietly looking at the floor.

"So it's Samy. That's lovely! My so called 'friend' is trying to kill me. This is lovely" Brandon sighed as he opened my refrigerator searching for food.

"I'm sorry" I kept my voice quiet as I looked up.

"Don't be, let's just get going" he sighed as he closed the refrigerator.

"Okay" I sighed and grabbed my car keys.

"You won't need those. But you will need this" Brandon said replacing my car keys with a knife.

"Oh heck to the no!" I yelled shoving it to his chest.

"Ash, please" He gave me those eyes I can't resist. I sighed in defeat as I took the silver knife from him.

"Whatever" I put it in my back pocket and walked to Brandons car.

"This should be interesting" brandon smiled as he opened my door.

"Yeah" I mumbled as I slide into his car.


"Stay up here!" Brandon yelled as the fight was just beginning.

We were at the old house for not even a minute when we were attacked.

"No! I want to fight! I'm not even in your gang!" I pointed out.

"So what, you're my girlfriend, so it's my job to protect you" he shut the door before I was able to answer.

I looked around the room for something to occupy myself with, but there was nothing.

There's nothing better to do right now than to fight, so I'm fighting.

I cracked open the door and heard groans before a man was thrown against the railing of the steps and slouched down on the floor.

I waiting a little while before proceeding out the door. I walked over to the man to get a better look at him, he has a huge gash on his forehead and his leg was severely cut. 

I checked his pulse, but their was nothing. He was dead.

I ran down the stairs, away from the body when I was stopped by a man.

"Where are you going?" The man looked oddly familiar, but I soon recognized him. Travis.

"Um, I was just scoping out the upstairs and it was all clear so I came back down" I spit out.

"Don't lie, I saw brandon put you in that room. I know what is going on here" Travis reached for his gun, then everything went black.


Gosh, I was on a roll updating. Then I stared watching Pretty Little Liars and here I am.... Updating like a month later.

Yea, well I'm sorry guysssss.

Anyway, the whole gang fight scene sucked. I know. But I mean, I needed to get it done.

So yeah. Small cliffhanger(I almost typed that in Spanish Lolol)




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