Do You Know Who Works There?

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Elizabeth Evors drummed her slender fingers on the table. Her almond-shaped, silver-green eyes swept the café as she used her free hand to push a few tendrils of her chocolate brown hair behind her ear.  She wasn’t a very pretty woman. She figured herself to be average.

“Lizzie!” A familiar voice called out as Elizabeth waved. It only took her visitor a few steps to reach her.

“Hermione Granger! It’s been too long!” Elizabeth exclaimed as she hugged the bushy haired woman.  Hermone's golden eyes were alit with excitement as the two sat across from one another at the small table.

“I’ve heard some rumors,” Elizabeth hinted as she gave a sly smile. Hermione gave a bashful smile in return.

“Just what sort of rumors?” She asked as Elizabeth shrugged. She leaned on her hand.

“Marriage, engagement, you know?” She replied as Hermione giggled. She brought her right hand up for the brunette to inspect the diamond engagement ring that encircled her ring finger. Elizabeth gave a gasp before a bright smile.

“I’m happy for you, Hermione. Really. I was wondering when that twit would get around to it,” She commented as Hermione smiled. Her golden eyes studied the woman in front of her. Elizabeth Evors had been in Ravenclaw and had spent more time in the Library than Hermione had. That was how they met.

“Have you met anyone, uh, special?” Hermione asked, truly curious. The woman did deserve to be just as happy as she was. Neville Longbottom had recently informed her that Elizabeth had been a great help with the preparation for the Battle of Hogwarts several years ago. Her knowledge of offensive and defensive spells had been a godsend, according to Neville.

“No. Not yet. Of course, I’m not really looking,” Elizabeth replied flippantly. Her smile created dimples in her freckled cheeks.

“You should come to this party Dean is throwing!” Hermione suggested good-naturedly. Elizabeth shrugged, giving a non-committal answer. After all, she honestly had no idea how the rest of her day was going to go.

“Did you get that job?” Hermione asked suddenly. She remembered Elizabeth mentioning she was applying for a ministry job. She had always figured the girl would be a healer. She had the intelligence. 

“Yes, I start tomorrow.  You wouldn’t happen to know who heads the,” Elizabeth paused as she bent down to pull a folded letter out of her purse. She reread the title of her supervisor.

“The Department of Magical Creature Relocation?” She finished as Hermione smirked. She nodded her head.

“Yes, I do. He’s going to be at Dean’s party. You definitely need to come now,” She commented as Elizabeth frowned. She felt her bushy-haired friend was up to something. She usually told her the information she needed. She didn’t hint around it and then invite her to some other gathering.

“I will think about it, Hermione.  Have you talked to Neville lately?” Elizabeth steered the conversation away from the upcoming party. Hermione nodded and the rest of the visit was spent talking about upcoming events.

“Ginny’s actually dating Neville!” Hermione exclaimed as Elizabeth smiled. She had always thought that the Weasley girl would be married to Harry Potter by now. The girl had spoken of no one but him.

“What about Harry?” Elizabeth asked as Hermione shrugged.

“They broke it off about a year ago.” Hermione answered with a sigh. Elizabeth nodded and looked down at her hands that were folded across the table. Her eyes slid to her watch and she frowned.  She had been sitting here for hours. Suddenly realization dawned across her features.

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