Jason Demers

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;aka my little stud muffin i love him so much oml;

It seems like all you've been doing lately is yelling.

It doesn't matter who is on the other side, you are always yelling. Your dad is your latest victim. Your mom was before him, so you had nobody to back you up.

The air outside is cold, especially now, the middle of winter for Dallas, (let's pretend for once we have normal weather k?) and you're in nothing but your thin pajamas. You just left the house, storming out with a place in mind, and nothing else. You don't even have shoes on, the prick of the pebbled concrete on your feet is excruciating.

You knew were you were going, his driveway was in your view. You've been dating Jason a little while now, 3 months, and the both of you are comfortable around each other in any situation. But this didn't seem like comfort.

"What are you doing here Y/N?" He rubs his eyes with his balled up fists.

"I really need someone to talk to." You say numbly, gently pushing past him, you try to avoid eye contact with him.

"Can it wait? I have practice in a couple hours." When you don't answer, worry creeps onto his tired face. "Did something happen?"

"Nothing big, have I been rude to you lately, Dem?"

"Y/N, I don't want to talk about this, can we just go upstairs to sleep?"

"So I have been rude and you're just avoiding it." The tone in his voice was enough of an answer.

"No Y/N-"

You stand up off the couch, "I just need the truth just this once, not the sugar coated version, the flat out truth."'

Jason sighs heavily, while running his hand through his hair and shaking his head, "Y/N, just go home."

"That is the thing, Jason, you are my home!" You start to yell, "You seem like the only one who can tolerate me lately, my parents are as pissed off as can be, Y/F/N isn't talking to me anymore, I don't want to lose you and I don't know how stop that!"

You were at the top of the roller coaster, and at some point your were going to fall. This was you falling. You completely broke down crying, falling to the floor.

Jason is in complete shock but that doesn't stop him from going to comfort you. "Hey, hey, hey, Y/N, I'm not going anywhere, I promise you that. It doesn't matter what the situation is, I will always be one step behind you, ready to catch you if you fall. It doesn't matter how stupid the idea is, how angry you are, how mad you are -especially when you're mad at me- I will be there."

"You promise?"

Your head is buried in his shoulder, the shaking of your body slowly seizing. But Jason continues to rock the both of you back and forth, being your rock like he always will be.

"I promise."

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