Bread Is Made By The Devil Himself

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"So what do you want to do?"

"Food. I will literally pass out" I sighed, lying against the locker as I stared into an imaginary land of cheese pizza and fudge brownies.

"Well, you're in luck, Mr Finlay has finally let the older years get food from town. Care to join, Juliet?" He tried to portray a London accent, succeeding at the most.

"Take me wherever Romeo" He brought out his hand, and I gladly accepted it, curtsying like we were about to dance. He bowed in return, shutting my locker door as we walked out of the building.

"Fifty five minutes, where shalt I take thy princess?" He seemed to like to talk in a London accent, and by the looks, he's been dying to meet someone from the UK. I guess he's been practising.

"Bitch I'm the Queen, and thou shalt take me wherever, as I, have never been around this area before" I chuckled, maneuvering around my car to the drivers seat.

"Target then" He grinned foolishly like a child, but it was surprising how not a douchebag he is, and trust me, I've had experience.

"Isn't that a supermarket?" I asked, knitting my eyebrows together as he returned a rather odd confused look, pursing his lips, which made a dying mouse noise.

"Ok, a um grocery store" I suggested nervously, now realizing a slight alienated feel of how I am using the wrong terms that no one will understand.

"Yeh, I want candy, that's where were going" He put his seatbelt on tight, sitting facing forward as he expected me to drive off, knowing which way to go.

Cue awkward five seconds.

"Why aren't we moving?" He stuttered.

"Uhh, I've never been here before, remember? You are my navigator, now direct me to Target" I ordered, as I drove down the schools car park, slowing down at the gate.

"Take a left and go straight down till you get to the nearest turning point, drive past the building with the weird shaped windows, and across by the riv-"

"Woah slow down Columbus, take it slow" I said, as we drove down the road, my heart now sinking that I'll make a wrong turn and end up in Illinois. Not really possible from here but I can scare myself.

After a near fatal car crash, a flock of geese and a watermelone! (Sorry, just had to) we arrived at Target, and I could just sense his strange excitment at the mere sight of the large building.
"Aisle five here we come" He licked his lips like a deranged tiger, about to pounce on his prey. He was about to open the door when he screamed,
"Duck!", well half whispered half screamed as he pulled me down the seat, knocking my head on the drivers wheel.

"What the hell? I thought you liked Target?" I groaned, removing my knee from sticking into my face, and my elbow got jammed in a cup holder by the gear stick.

"There's a group of people I absolutely hate, everyone does. And I know I act all tough-"

"Well you're really a fluffly bear in my view-"

"But, there's people I like to avoid. And if they see me with another girl, they'll spread shit that I f'd you or took you home with me. Some shit like that". He peered over the passage dashboard, and ducked almost instantly.

"They're in the store"

"Then let's avoid them. C'mon, I love a game of run-from-the-people-you-hate"

He took one last look at me, kinda like "are you crazy?" And "you mutherfucking madass I love it", before shooting out of the car, with my following behind. And like ninjas, we made our way inside the store, checking each corner of our eyes for them.

"Ok, candy aisle, pay and our asses are outta here"

"Agreed" and with that, we walked through the middle of the aisle, turning our heads each side to see them, but they weren't there.

"Shit" I dragged Luke behind a bread counter, as we heard deep male voices. Shoes squeaking against polished flooring became annoyingly closer, as his breathing seemed to quieten.

"It's really hot in here" Luke whispered beside me, and I rolled my eyes.

"Only if you wanted to avoid them-"

"You dragged me in here. If we just suddenly sprung out now they'll suspect your some sort of slagbag, even on your first day. And I know different" He convinced me, and as I sat down, a shelf of bread collapsed on top of us, pulling a few more loaves down with it. Damn the dough.

"Great" I smacked my head, as I peered ever so slightly out the counter, to see a familiar looking boy, with messy chocolate hair, and deep dark eyes, raised cheekbones, and a sharp jawline. He wore a leather jacket, a v-neck white T-shirt, ripped jeans and vans. He looked gorgeous, devastatingly gorgeous, as his eyes nearly met mine, but not until I slid back under....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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