Dors Mon Ange

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Life had been so careless. The children ran, the food was plentifull. The smell of the fresh grass your nieghbor had just cut. Blasting your favorite song through your room as you spun around. The small gatherings in small towns, and then the big parties in the huge cities.

It was all... So real in my mind. It was only four years ago when my life was normal. Yet I am so content with the life I have now.. Maybe I've just, adjusted to my growling stomach and the restless nights. The chilling winds and all the screams that pierce the land when the sun sets and the moon rises. I had never thought life would be this way; But then again.. No one did. No one ever thought that one day it would all just come crashing down.. Litterally.

Before any of us knew it, war had started between us and Germany yet once again. Along with the civil war that had been going on almost everywhere. It was sickening. The east coast was the first to go when an atomic bomb dropped there. The radiation had spread across the entire country. I'm the only surviver of my family. My little sister was the first to go, she died of the radiation. Being just a three month old at the time. Then went the eldest child, He was 17. Died of a gun shot would to the stomach. My mother.. Suicide, I found her body hanging in the shower. I suppose the stress of losing her kids was to much. Then my father.. I woke up and he was gone. He either went out and didn't make it back.. Or just ran out on me. Either way, I was lucky to survive... very lucky indeed. I was only twelve at the time and now I'm sixteen.

It had been a beautiful warm night. I was in Nevada that is now just a bunch of sand dunes. The moon was high in the sky reflecting off my violet eyes. I felt my heart racing, beating out of my chest. Metaphorically of course. I was running from the beasts that now fill this world. The beasts that were once human, The humans that have been mutated and twisted into the Devil's spawn themselves. It was in that same night that I met.. him. I had tripped and I screamed loudly in terror as tears ran down my face I felt as if my end was coming near. Before I knew it I heard the demons mighty cry, as a young man was standing infront of me. He held a shot gun with a dagger attached to the end that pierced through the demons then put a bullet in the beasts head when it was down. As he turned around I saw his face.. His scarlet colored hair fell down infront of it. His eyes glowed through the strands of long hair. Yes.. his eyes. They were a firey Yellow. A golden color really. He shifted his ponytail over his shoulder and extended his hand to me. From that day on.. He has been my protector and my only hope.

I was fourteen when I met Sora.

Chapter 1.

"S-Sora! Slow down!" I stuttered out in a rather loud yell. I saw him turn around and just laugh at my frustrated face before finally speaking. "We can't silly. We have to go home, We have about Four hours before the sun sets and you know what happens when it does.". My eyes must of been filled with fear because Sora stopped wrapping his gentle, yet strong arms around my thin frame. My cheeks had glazed over a rather pinkish color but I shoved him off looking to the side as I picked up my pace running past him. "Hurry Up Slow Poke!" I yelled at him in my more childish voice that I use to use to do to get my way. My body that is extremely weak in comparassion to Sora's didn't stand much of a chance when he came darting by. "Lunar! Why don't you get on my diet?" He screamed at me in a taunting way. I stopped and stomped my feet against the ground like a child would've done. "Because your plan in ridiculous! I'm suprised you haven't turned into one of those demons yourself the way you eat them!" Sora sighed a rather happy sigh and stopped letting me catch up. He spoke quietly to me. "Lunar.." His 6'1" self towered over me as he brushed my naturally blue hair out of my face.

I hated when he called me Lunar. Not because it isn't my name, It actually is my name. Nor is it because I don't like it. It's truly because it brings by painful memories of my life before this. I trust Sora and it doesn't sting as much when he calls me it then it used to. I felt one of his hands cup under my thin chin and lift my head up. He placed a small kiss against my forehead before I felt his lips curve into a smile against my skin. Moments passed and Then I heard him gently Mumble. "I'll always protect you..".

That simple statement he made helped me. I felt my spirits lifting and a bright smile come across my face. He pulled back and very lightly grabbed my wrist. As he started walking in a fast pace, I followed him almost like a lost puppy. Hours past of nothing but walking and we found our way back to the small house we had called home for months. We had made good use of it, There was a gas stove I could light if I could make fire that is. A water pump out back, and we had boarded up all the windows. Sora has bolted up the doors extremely well, and we still have canned food left to last three days.

As we entered the house I clinged to Sora's arm. The sun started to set behind me and tears almost filled my violet eyes but I remembered that Sora was so close to me and there was nothing to fear with him around. He smiled lightly and mumbled to me in the darkening room. "Lunar.. Lets go to bed. I have an Idea for tomorow." He led me to the bed since he had my wrist still in his soft grip. I shook all my thoughts off as I went and flopped down on the mattress. Feeling Sora jump over me and lay beside me I was at some sort of peace.

I snuggled my back into his and gripped the bed hearing the loud screeches and howls of the demons coming out in search for food to consume. I slowly dozed off but I couldn't even escape the devils in my dreams, They terrorized me. They scared me.. No.. I was scared that one of those devils was someone I used to know. I tossed and I turned in my sleep trying to shake the dreams off, but I couldn't. Desperate for some comfort I said His name in my sleep, and He pulled me around and yanked me against his warm chest. I stayed silent hearing him hum against my ear and I soon went back to resting enjoying the feeling of his heart so close to mine..

I woke up spread out on the bed, I suppose Sora went out back to see if the water pump had run out of water finally. I reached over and grabbed my loaded pistol that I had forgotten the day before and strapped it to my hip. Slipping out of bed I exchanged my sweat pants with my cargo pants, filling the pockets with various things like the rest of my bullets, a pocket knife and a small canteen to go around my waist. I exchanged my t-shirt with a small tube top that had straps to come up over my shoulders. I creeped over to the door and slipped out of it. Letting my thin body grip the halt of my pistol I peeked around the side of the house.

My eyes must of been wide at the site I saw. I saw a feeding demon eating off something else and I pleaded to myself wishing it wasn't Sora. I pulled my pistol out of its sheath spinning around and firing it at the demon, before shooting yet once again quickly. Watching the bullets go straight into the demons head I fell back onto the ground inching away from the two carcasses infront of me. Moments past as tears streamed down my cheeks and I shook my head severals times. I was wondering if I had lost my mind. I didn't care.. I wanted Sora beside me. My love for him is bursting at the seams. It's been two years since I've known him. It's hard to think that a nighteen year old could love someone of my age. I'm Sixteen he most likely thinks of me as a little sister. And nothing else..

Shaking my head feeling the tears fly away I stood up, shaking my entire body to let the agony in a sense.. fly off as the tears did. Taking a step back I felt something behind me, and when I turned around there He was. His gentle hands brushed away the tears from my red face and then softly wrapped around me, pulling me into a hug. His voice was relaxed and calm as he spoke but I could sense a bit of strain from stress. "What have I told you about wondering out on your own..". I didn't care, I never have.. I'm NOT a child and I can protect myself. I wanted to say that.. I wanted to prove to him I wasn't scared but Instead I spoke what my heart felt. "I was.. erm worried about you." My cheeks must of been red because I could feel the heat raidiating off them. His smile, gentle and warm comforted me in times like this. One of his hands slipped around from my waist and ruffled my hair as if I was a child.

"Sora.." I whispered so low I could hardly even hear my own voice.

Sora's gentle touch found its way to my cheek as he rubbed it ever so lightly. "Come.. We must go. Our resorces are out." And with that simple statement He let me go, fixed the same weapon that saved my life years ago on his back, and started walking.

I would die without him by my side.

Everything I need comes with his heart's beauty.

So I followed willingly into the danger to unfold...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2013 ⏰

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