36-Ordinary People

Start from the beginning

"Don't you realize, that by you fighting, you are hurting me? Maybe some things other people do or say has hurt me but the way I feel when I see you fighting hurts me more than anything. I feel like I can't breathe; I feel like my world is going to disappear because I am so afraid. I don't want to lose you. Seeing you get hurt or get into trouble for fighting, hurts me more than anything else in the world. Why would you want me to hurt like that?"

"Shit...I never really thought about it like that. I'm....you...you're absolutely right and I am so sorry Faith. I promise you that I won't do that again. I want to protect you but protecting you from myself seems more important than protecting you from other people."

"Thank you for seeing it that way." She says as she wipes the tears off of her face and I can see how bad her hands are shaking.

"Will you come over here please?" I ask softly as I shove my sketch book and drawing pencils into the drawer of my night stand.


"Because I want to hold you; I need to." I say with my arms open to her. 

Faith stands in the doorway of my room and looks at me for a long moment before she races across the room and launches herself at me. 

Her tiny body crashes hard against my chest and her arms wrap around my waist tightly as she buries her face into my stomach. I am still sitting up against the headboard of my bed while she lays across my lap. 

The way she is holding me is comforting to her but I want to hold onto her...

I want to feel as much of her body pressed against mine as possible...

I need to feel that same comfort.

I decide to put my need aside for now because I know, if I lift her up and pull her to my body the way I want to, I will end up kissing her. 

If I start kissing her right now, things will surely progress to much more and I can't let myself get distracted. 

I have to tell her I love her...she deserves to hear me say those words to her. 

Even if she doesn't return my feeling, I still have to tell her my secrets...

She trusted me enough to tell me her secrets...

I need to show her that same trust...

She needs to hear my secrets...

A good ten minutes go by before she stops crying and when I feel her tight grip on my waist loosen a little bit, I stop stroking her hair and begin to speak.

"I have some things to tell you pretty girl."

Faith lifts her head up and looks at me; her eyes are confused and even a little scared.

"What kind of things?" She asks warily.

"Can you sit up the whole way please? I want to be able to look you in the eyes when I tell you."

Faith sits up and settles herself between my legs as she crosses her own legs and her knees lay across my thighs as she rest her hands in her lap. Her warm brown eyes are looking right at me.

"Okay, I'm up and I'm looking at you. So what are you going to tell me?"

She still looks frightened by the unknown things I want to tell her but at least she is still settled between my knees.

I need to feel her touch when I talk to her, it's give me the strength I need...

"A few things actually but I need to start with the most important thing first. I need you to know why Amanda hugged me and I need you to know why I said what I said to her."

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