"And it's obviously bugging him. He crupled them up, after he ripped them out of the magazine."

I was about to reply when my phone started ringing. "Hello?" I said, not recognizing the number.

"What the heck is this all about you and me dating?" A man's voice screeched at me from the other end.

"Who is this? " I asked.



"Yeah Hunter. The one who apparently you're dating!" He said.

"How did you get my number?"

"I know a guy." He said. "Now will you please control your fame? I've had random people jump out of bushes and scream all these questions about you at me. How do they even know me? One guy jumped in my window!" He rambled.

"Listen, I'm trying to get this figured out." I replied.

"Your boyfriend's not going to come looking for me, is he?"

"No, he wouldn't do that. He knows that I'm not cheating on him, the paps are lunatics."

"You got that right. Call me back when you've got this sorted out." He said.

"Yep." I said before we said goodbye and hung up.

"Hunter?" Alana asked. "Longboard stealing, stuck up Hunter?"

"Yep, that Hunter."

"He's kind of crazy." She said.

"Yeah he is." At that moment the door opened and all the boys came in. "How was soundcheck?" I asked as Harry came and laid across my lap.

"Great!" He said, over-entusiastically.

"Hey Presley," Liam said. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" I nodded and pushed myslef out from under Harry. I followed Liam out into the hall, where he closed the door. I could already hear the sound of girls entering the arena. "So, uh. . . " He started. "There's this rumor going around-"

"That I'm cheating on Harry with two other guys? And that I"m supposedly trying to get back at him for cheating on me?" I cut him off.

"Okay. You already know then." He said and I flicked my eyebrows up. "I just want you to know that Harry doesn't believe any of it. None of us do. We know that you would never do that to him." He said. "Just ignore the paprazzi, please." I nodded, and started to go back into the dressing room. ''Oh and Presley," Liam said, grabbing my arm. I turned around to face him. "You're not fat. You don't need to lose weight. You're perfect." I smiled and gave him a hug.

"Thanks Liam." I said, as we pulled away from the hug. I turned the knob on the door and walked in to find Niall and Alana cuddling on the couch, Louis and Zayn fighting over the snack bar, and Harry standing in the middle of the room looking confused.

"You okay there?" I asked Harry, walking up to him.

"I have no idea where my phone went." He said. Together we started searching for his missing phone. I went into the bathroom, searching on the counter. He followed behind me, making no effort whatsoever, and closing the door.

"Here it is." I said, grabbing it from behind a bottle of soap.

"Thank you." He said, grabbing it out of my hand, while at the same time wrapping his arms around my waist. He pulled me into him, kissing my cheek in the process. "It's so good to have you here." He said.

I smiled and rested my forehead agaist his. "I really missed you." He met his lips to mine, making my stomach do the familiar summersaults.

"Hey," Niall said, knocking on the door. "Hurry up, we're on in ten minutes." Harry rolled his eyes and pulled the door open. Louis gave us a horrfied look as we stepped out.

"You guys were in there. . . together?" He asked us. Harry just rolled his eyes and shoved past him.

"Well, we better be getting to our seats." I said as Alana and I walked to the door and pulled it open. "See you after the show!" I said, as we walked out, towards the sound of screaming girls.


Sorry I took so long to update. I really tried, but it's been a rough week. I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but to you guys who only comment with 'Update", can you please stop? I know that I'm a horrible updater, but oh my gosh this has literally been the worst week ever. I'm going to tell about it and probably delete it tomorrow.

So on the fourth, that kid that I liked hung out with this really gross, not good girl. And I pretended like it was okay but it was not okay at all. I mean this kid says he loves me but then he ignores me? Yeah so my friend went and yelled at him and like swore and all this and then I texted him and apologized and said ''please don't hate me'' and then like five minutes before the fireworks were starting, he texts back and says "I don't hate you, I just don't love you anymore." and then during the fireworks I see him making out with that girl. Oh my gosh I wanted to die. And then I have like a gazillion people ask me if I still like him and I'm like 'no.' And they're like 'good because I saw him making out with some girl.' LITERALLY RIGHT AFTER HE BROKE UP WITH ME. AND NOW WHEN I GO TO CHEER IN THE MORNING ALL THE FOOTBALL PLAYERS ARE OUT THERE AND HE'S ONE AND IT IS SO HARD.

Yeah, on a brighter note, I have a Niall story ready to post but I don't think anyone would read it. But yeah.

If someone wants to make me feel better, go ahead and do so.

Sorry for complaining, :)

Stalker Styles (Harry Styles Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt