Chapter Twenty Three// Thank You

Start from the beginning

"I'll go get it off them," she runs over to the excitable dogs, trying to pry the stick out of Buddy's mouth. I stand from the path and watch with a smile. However my smile flattens out as I see Bailey get pulled over by the strength of Buddy. She topples over and skids on her knees.

"Bailey!" My heart jolts as I see her face scrunch up in pain. Rapidly I print to her, my hands drawn to my mouth as her lip quivers as she tries to hold back a cry. "Are you ok?" I panic, scanning her injury.

Buddy detects her change in mood, whimpering with guilt at the way he had injured his owner. With a nestle of is head under her arm, Buddy lies with Bailey in a way of apology, hoping to be forgiven for his actions. Bailey strokes him with a shaking hand. "It's ok Buddy," she forces another smile, one that the dog is able to believe.

"Let's get you home," I say hastily, worrying about the discomfort she must be in right now. "I'll get the dogs." With a loud whistle, I grab the attention of Jasper who runs back over at the sound of my call. My finger fumble as I connect their leads as well as helping Bailey to walk. I lead us all back to her house. Thankfully though, it is only a few minutes walk away.

"Thank you so much Paige," gratifies Bailey once we are inside her house, me bandaging up her wounds. Her leg flinches when I tug too tight, a sign that indicates I need to be more gentle. I let out a sigh of relief once she can move her knee without it hurting.

"Don't mention it," I smile as I stand up onto my feet. Buddy and Jasper are playing happily in the garden so they aren't a distraction.

"I'm glad you were there Paige," her mom, Mrs Johnson, enters the kitchen with a pack of ice. I take it off her gratefully and place it onto Bailey's knee. She hisses at the abrupt sting of the cold ice but soon relaxes as it sooths her pain.

"I'm glad I was there too," I reply with a genuine smile. "Happy to help." Bailey lifts her leg up and rests it on the kitchen table. Her mom makes hot chocolate and we all take a mug.

"Oh, while your here Paige, I was wondering if you could help us?" Mrs Johnson speaks. Bailey automatically acknowledges what her mom is talking about and nods in agreement.

"Of course," I swallow my mouth full of hot chocolate. "What is it?" The back of my hand wipes away any cream left on my upper lip.

Bailey's mom glances down at the floor for a moment before meeting my gaze, her eyes restless. "It's about Nathan," she exhales. "I'm assuming you know about his... Change in attitude." I nod and let her continue. "Well, I was just wondering if you knew how that, evolved, let's say."

I blink multiple times in thought, not knowing a straight forward answer. How did Nathan turn out to be suck a badass jerk? This new attitude is definitely not his real self, so it's a mystery to me who changed him into the stranger that appears to look like the Nathan Johnson I used to know.

"I'm not sure," I begin by saying. I gulp, my eyes transfixed on the floor, frowning in deep thought.

"Oh I was only asking. It's just been such a dramatic change I thought you might know, being his friend and all."

"Oh. Me and Nathan aren't friends anymore," I correct her, watching her face drop.

"Really? Aww that's a shame, I thought you two were really close." Yeah, so did I. "Well, you seemed that way when you came over for dinner that time. It wasn't that long ago but it seems that way. Nathan hasn't been the same lately, maybe that's why, because you two are no longer friends? You seemed to make him very happy." That last sentence pulls at one of my heart strings.

"I did?" My eyes light up, only to fade as I remember that Nathan doesn't like me anymore. Well, I don't know for sure but he doesn't seem very friendly with me, I remember the way he ditched me to be with Josh and the way he treated me at the vending machine as well as the scene at Laura's party.

"Anyway, if you don't know then that's fine."

But I didn't want to give up; I want to know why he is acting like this. Who is responsible? Well, when did he start to act this way? When did he first ignore me? He ignored me that time by the lockers, he passed me to go to... Laura. He ditched me at lunch to be with... Laura. He started flirting with other girls at Laura's party. He ditched detention to hang out with... Laura. Maybe there is a link with Laura?

However he didn't act like a jerk towards me because of her. Whenever he was mean or being a badboy he was always with... He was always with Josh! At the party with Josh, at the vending machine with Josh, going with him in that history project and vandalising school property... with Josh.

Was it a mix of the two?

"Is there anything I can do to help?" I then ask, snapping out of my day dream. Mrs Johnson grips her hands tighter around her cup, the heat making her hands turn white. She suddenly flinches back to reality with the sting in her hands. She shakes her wrists then drags her palms down her face. It was the same motion my mom had done when grounding me.

"Well, we were hoping there was." She pauses. Her eyes connect solemnly with mine. "I know now that you two aren't that close, but do you think there is a way to change him back? Is there a possibility that we can get him back to his old self? I'm getting rather worried about him, with his grades falling and him going out late at night. He returns home sticking of smoke. I don't know what he's doing out of the house, which seems to be a lot know that he's retaliating, but I don't like it. This is so unlike him."

"I will do what I can in attempt to get the real Nathan back," I promise, seeing how distressed his mom is with his change in heart. "I also don't like him this way. I do miss him." I slide off my chair and walk towards the kitchen archway.

"He should be up in his room," his mom informs, her nails between her teeth. "Thank you ever so much Paige. I really hope you will be successful."

"Me too."

Once I reach the top of the stairs, I make my way towards Nathan's bedroom. My hands shakes slightly as I place my knuckles onto the wooden door, about to knock. Sweat builds up in my palms unknowingly.

Why was I so nervous?

Maybe I am afraid he will be as mean towards me as he was before. I don't want him pushing me away. Taking in a deep breathe of reassurance, I turn back towards his door and knock.

"What is it mom?" A deep male voice calls back. I gulp. I hope this works.

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