Hind didn't dare look at him again, she wanted to run away as far as she could.

Mohammad was surprised by her sudden entrance, he didn't know she had that strength in her to dare to face him, no one has ever dared to speak to him in that way, not a single man let a lone a woman and that made him angrier.

Right now the only mission he had is to marry the damn girl, he would marry her because he can and no one can stand in his way.

Hind left his office fuming with anger and tears were streaming down her face, she quickly brushed them off.

She couldn't stay in the office any longer so she left as soon as she can.

She drove back home, and to her luck her mother wasn't home.

She locked herself in her room, she couldn't face her family with all the anger she was feeling. She was mostly embarrassed by her actions.

She heard her phone ringing but she switched it off, it's from work and she didn't have the time to deal with them today.

Around 3 pm her mother knocked on her door to call her for lunch.

"Hind lunch is ready." Her mother called.

"I'm not hungry."

Her mother didn't know why her daughter is locking herself in her room around this time, it's unlike her. Um Hind was worried; did they fire her? Is that the reason?

She wanted to ask her but Mansour was waiting for her in the dining room.

After lunch Hind was still in her room, she tried calling her but her cellphone was off.

She couldn't stay silent any longer, so she walked toward her daughter's room and she knocked the door.

Hind was currently taking a shower to cool off, she didn't hear her mother knocks.

"Hind I beg you please open the door you're making me worry, are you alright?" Umm Hind asked desperately waiting for daughter to reply.

She doesn't know how long she's been knocking on her door, a tear fell on her cheek, what did they do to her? Hind and Mansour were everything she have.

She knocked again.

"Hind please open the door." Her mother called.

Hind was just leaving the bathroom when she heard her mom knocking.

She walked toward the door and she unlocked it.

Her mother wrapped her arms around her and she started sobbing.

"Hind what happened are you alright? What did they do to you?" Her mother said holding her daughter's face in between her hands.

"Mama I'm fine." Hind looked at her mother in confusion.

"Why didn't you open the door." Her mother asked with worry filling her eyes.

"I was taking a shower." Hind pointed at the towel wrapped around her hair.

"Oh." Her mother sighed.

"I was so worried; did they fire you?" She asked.

"No." Hind said. "Not yet at least." She continued more to herself.

"What?" She asked.

"No I said they didn't fire me."

"Oh that's great." Her mother smiled.

"So how was your day?" Her mother asked.

Hind couldn't tell her the truth about her day, specially not after seeing her teary eyes.

The Bet he LostWhere stories live. Discover now