Suga is afraid to answer.

He knows that Tanaka can keep a secret...

But Tanaka tends to fail to realize how loud his voice is.

"If you won't answer me, I'll find out for myself," Tanaka says, entering the coffee shop with a determined look on his face. Suga is beginning to really, REALLY regret telling Tanaka about his favorite coffee shop. With a loud sigh, Suga enters the coffee shop.


"Oi, Suga, what do you want?" Tanaka hollers so loudly that the coffee shop worker behind the counter winces.

"A small coffee and a sugar cookie," Suga responds, quickly adding, "And use your inside voice! You were practically screaming at me!" Deciding to find a table instead of joining Tanaka at the counter, Suga walks to his favorite spot. His favorite spot is in a corner, next to the window. Suga loves the spot because he can look outside and watch the world outside, and let himself get distracted without having to worry about someone looking at his computer screen over his shoulder.

Speaking of computers...

Suga brought his.

With shaking hands, he pulls out his laptop and checks his messages. It seems as though volleydork has spammed him.

The main character's crush is me, isn't it? You would tell me if it the character wasn't...

Are you the main character?

Do you have a crush on me?

Suga, being too shy to even talk his crush online hastily types a response.

You're wrong, please stop messaging me.

"You're a fan of sugarcookie too? No way!" An all too familiar loud voice says. Suga can feel his heart skip a beat when he sees that Tanaka is speaking to his crush. Even worse, it seems as though his crush is on his break. That means that Tanaka could bring him over and get them to talk... Noticing that his crush is holding his phone in his hands, Suga decides to send another message.

You should ignore the bald guy, he seems delusional.

His crush, says one last thing to Tanaka before responding.

You're here, aren't you? The bald guy said you are... Where are you?

Damn Tanaka and his big mouth!

"What's wrong, Suga? You look pale," Tanaka says with a small smile upon reaching the table. "It's like you saw your crush or something..."

"That's it, keep yelling," Suga mutters, before taking a bite of his sugar cookie. "Maybe you'll get kicked out before you embarrass me even more."

"I fail to see what could be more embarrassing than having the username sugarcookie," Tanaka, once again hollers. Suga doesn't even have to look know that his crush is staring at him. Great, now his crush knows that he likes him, and that he is writing a story about him!

"Congratulations, you've just won the jerk award," Suga says, and despite being upset, he can't bring himself to call Tanaka anything worse than a jerk. Shoving his laptop back into his bag, Suga shoves the rest the sugar cookie into his mouth before fast walking (okay, more like running) out of the coffee shop. Damn Tanaka... Damn crush... Damn wattpad... Damn everything!

"Wait!" A familiar a voice hollers. The voice is a voice Suga's only ever heard say, "what would you like?", "is that all?", and "here is your order." The voice belongs to his crush. "Please, I just want to talk. Just let me speak to you for a minute."

Suga finds himself coming to a stop. Did his crush... Did his crush just quote part of his story?

"Will you turn around? I want to be looking at your face when I'm talking," Suga waits for his crush to say more, all the while hoping that his crush will continue to quote his story, "Just for a minute... Just for sixty seconds." Suga slowly turns around. As soon as he does so, a wide (and beautiful) smile forms upon his crush's face.

His crush takes a step after each word, "You don't need to hide... I'm okay with you having a crush on me. I'm okay with having another guy like me. After all, I like guys. In fact, I like a lot of guys. But recently, I've found that I only truly like one guy..." Suga's heart is beating rapidly within his chest. His crush, a coffee shop worker by the name of Daichi is quoting his story word for word. "And that guy is you."

"You don't even know me," Suga says, also quoting his story. "How can you love a stranger?" Suga can feel a bright blush form across his cheeks as he realizes that Daichi is just a few centimeters in front of him.

"I'm reading your stories... Through your stories, I've learned what you like, what you don't like, what you fear, what you want, what you don't want, and many other things. The only thing that I didn't learn from your stories is what you look like. Now that I think about it, you never had a character in any of your stories that looked like you. At first that frustrated me... But after a while I ended up not caring. After all, it is you not your body that I've grown to like. You've learned things about me too, haven't you? I write stories too... Although mine are not as good as yours... Anyway, you've voted on my stories... You've even put a few of mine on your reading list" Daichi isn't quoting Suga's story anymore, yet Suga finds his words just as beautiful and powerful. "Through my stories, you know me. So, will you go on a date with me, just once? After all, you kinda know me..." A warm and happy feeling spreads through Suga's body as, for the last part, Daichi's dark eyes stare straight into his eyes.

Unable to bring himself to speak, Suga kisses Daichi. Daichi seems to like this response as much as a verbal yes and perhaps even more so... Suga can feel Daichi's large hands holding his face gently, and wiping away the happy tears that are streaming down his face.

"Thank you," Suga says, quoting one of Daichi's stories, "Thank you for looking for me."

"Thanks for listening," Daichi responds, also quoting his story.

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