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The pain in my head
Swirls around my scalp
And dives into the back of my eyes.
Closing them,
I take a deep breath
And there it is
The never fading ache
Moving along my nose
As I devour the air I took in
And let it fill my numb lungs.
The pain moves from my lungs to my ribcage
Making it impossible to breathe out.
Full of air,
I feel like I'm taking off from the ground beneath my feet
And I'll explode into painful little red pieces any minute.

The pain lets go of me
As suddenly as it gripped me,
Leaving me Bending on my knees
Searching for a remedy.
As I get up on my feet again
It rises up with me
Drilling itself inside of my body through my temples
And screaming its way to the back of my ears.
It spins around my head all over again
And gets ready for another diseased dive.

I think my brain wants to throw you up.

Thanks for reading. Hope you like it.
Be good. Xx

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