Someone wants to get out of the mirror

146 13 21

Someone wants to get out of the mirror.

She's looking at me,
With a pair of red eyes.

Her dark dull irises are begging me for an escape route.

And her straight black hair
Is tangled around her long neck ,
Trying to suffocate her.

Her face is colored in black and blue ,
Some red and pink scratches on her cheeks,
And her salty tears are spreading salt on her wounds.

She reaches for me .

I do too.

I place my hands on hers,
A thick layer of glass
Separating us.

She fakes smile .

So do I.

"I'm Lili."

We both say at the same time.

I let out a faint laugh.

So does she.

"We were named a same name."

We both say.

I take a step back and
She does too.

"No. you're not me !"

I whisper terrified.

This time she remains silent.
And just stares back at me

She hits the mirror with a pale fist,
And I jump in surprise .

She hits the glass again and again.

"What's that noise?"

"Someone wants to get out of the mirror"

The girl in the mirror screams in horror,
And I scream back .

She smashes her numb body against the dusty glass.

The psychotic tune of her scream,
Fades in the loud sound of the mirror collapsing down .


In a loud silence,
A girl is screaming inside of me.

Someone wants to get out of me.

This one is a bit different ,
So please be honest with me and tell me what you think, by dropping comments !
Please vote and share this around !
Love u all!
Also I wanna thank my one and only SlimShady_23 for helping me with grammar !

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