Kim removed her headset to somehow inform Pie that she's over with her phone conversation. "Hey..." she called.

Pie's lips lined a smile when she turned. "Hi, Kim..."

Kim almost melted. "You're early, huh?"

"Yeah, I woke up early today..."

Kim nods before saying, "Me too."

There was a moment of silence. Kim wanted to say she missed Pie however she's not sure how the latter would take it.

"So, you..." there was a bit of shyness in Pie's tone, "you got a haircut."

Kim felt shy and scratched the back of her neck. "Yeah... well... the boss asked me to..."

Pie laughed softly. "Your boss is a bit demanding, huh?"

"Slight. But what can I do, that's her command."

"What a difficult boss you have there."

"Oh, I'm glad you mentioned it. Yeah, she's difficult."

Pie giggled again.

"Do you think the boss will like it?" asked Kim.

Before Pie gets the chance to even start saying something, the elevator door opened. Pie went out first and Kim followed her.

Kim was a bit disappointed to see Pie walk directly to her station. Kim walked straight to her department too. She isn't sure if Pie is in the mood for talk now.


Kim was a bit far already when she heard the call. She turned around and saw the petite lady still standing in front of her terminal.

"Could you take off your hat for a sec?" Pie asked. Without having any idea why, Kim obeyed. Pie folded her arms while observing her. "Hmmm, I don't think your boss will like your hair now..."

Kim dropped her gaze at the cap in her hand, feeling nervous.

Seeing Kim's expression drew a smile on Pie's face. "But I'm pretty sure she'll love it."

That immediately brought a wide smile on Kim's face. She shook the cap up and down while her eyes were darting around the area.

She turned her eyes back to Pie and put her cap back. She waved her hand as she turned around to walk towards her department. She was so happy that she felt like humming her way there.

YES!!! She loves it! She loves it! Weeee!

Pie can't get the smile off her face either. She couldn't believe that Kim did that for her.

Although a cap was worn, there's no way Pie won't notice the difference in Kim's hair because she'd somehow memorized the latter's physical appearance.

She was surprised to see Kim earlier because of two reasons: first, she was not really expecting Kim to do her request, considering that Nam wanted it longer; second, she's caught unguarded because Kim was undeniably irresistible and more striking with her new hairstyle.

That thought froze Pie. She glanced at the graphics department's direction, remembering the conversation she had with Meena last week.

But then, she immediately dismissed the idea. It's impossible. She knows how it feels to have a crush, to like someone. And what she felt with Mike before is different than what she's feeling for Kim. Kim could be just a close friend, a special friend who happens to be really handsome with her new haircut.


Pie smiled when she heard the chat message notification. There's nobody else in the office yet except for the two of them. She surely knows whom the chat came from.

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