Golf threw a pillow to his dad. "C'mon, pops, that's embarrassing!"

"Hahaha!" The father's laugh was too loud that it echoed in the whole house. Then he continued, "Mike, on the other hand, is single. He just recently broke up with his longtime girlfriend."

"This is awkward," muttered Mike, looking away.

Pie was unaware that she's already staring at Mike. It made her remember the reasons why she'd liked him before: that snobbish aura, his poker-faced expression, his dull eyes, his introverted personality, and whatever he does is everything for her before. Same old reasons but enough reasons for her to like him again.

Golf stood up and approached her. "Look at you, huh, still beautiful! I remember having a crush on you when we were children," he said, messing up her hair with a hand.

Golf's cheerful approach brought back the feeling when they were still little. Pie smacked him in the stomach. "I knew it, that's why you keep on teasing me, huh?"

Golf laughed, turning to his family quick and going back to Pie after. "Yeah, but that went away immediately because you're so ill-tempered."

Pie hit him on the arm this time. "Hmp!"

Mike stood up as well to join the conversation. He put his left arm on his brother's shoulder. "Don't listen to him, Pie. He never had a steady crush. Up until now he always changes girlfriends from time to time."

"Man, you're ruining my moment here," Golf complained.

Pie was giggling while looking at the brothers. Although there were changes, they are still the old playmates she used to have. "You guys just got taller but everything's just the same."

Both guys looked at her. Golf answered her back, "Yeah, you're still the same Pie even in terms of height. Hahaha!"

The lunch went well for everyone. Everybody was laughing when they talked about the things that happened before, reminiscing about the used-to-be-kids that are grown-ups now. It was just as good as the old days. It was dusk when Mike's family bid them goodbye and wished them happy New Year.

Pie was so happy that day. The bored-to-death mood she had earlier disappeared with the presence of Mike's family. It didn't take her too long to admit that she's starting to fancy Mike again. He's just the same old Mike that she used to like before, plus her mother's obvious approval for pairing them up made it easier for Pie to admit it to herself.


January 1st – Bangkok

It's already one o'clock in the morning and the ear-popping noise of firecrackers had subsided. Pie was alone again in the room while her mom, aunt, and Meena are still busy chatting downstairs. She faked her tiredness to excuse herself. After having lunch earlier, everyone in her family, including Mike's, has been teasing and pairing them up.

She can't deny that at some point she likes Mike, but it doesn't mean that she wants them to be together. Mike, on the other hand, was just silent each time the topic between Pie and him is raised.

Sigh. Just one more boring day before everything goes back to normal.

Even though she enjoyed the entire day her cravings to go back to the office is still there when she's alone. She saw her old turtle stuffed toy on the bed. It was the one she used to bring with her all the time when she was little. She had to leave the turtle behind when they moved to another house because of Meena's request.

She grabbed the turtle and stared at it for a moment. She couldn't explain why but turtles are now reminding her of Kim. She hugged the turtle and closed her eyes hoping sleep will come to her soon.

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