"Besides, I love your mom's cooking, it's a plus point," said Kim.

Pie dropped her utensils and rested her chin on her hand. "Kim, if your dad and my mom will end up together, what will become of us?"

Kim stopped eating for a second. She realized that if her dad and Pie's mom marry each other, then it'll make Pie and her sort of relatives. "It's... it's a bad idea, Pie. Let's forget about it."

"Agree. Bad idea."

The two turned their attention to the door when someone came in.

"Hello there, Kim. You're early today, huh?" the woman said when she passed by their table, giving Kim a quick tap on the shoulder.

Kim's head followed the woman who's going to get a coffee from the vending machine.

"Hi, Eve, 'sup?"

Pie observed the girl. She didn't know that Kim was already acquainted with her. This girl belongs to another department that neither Kim or her are working with.

The woman pressed something on the vending machine. "I'm okay. What are your plans for the holiday?"

"I'm traveling."

"Wow, where are you fooling around?"

"Somewhere nearby countries. You?"

"Just staying home." The woman grabbed the cup, walked towards them and touched Kim on the shoulder again. "Bring me back something special, okay?"

Kim smiled. "Sure." She pointed at her food and said, "You wanna join us?"

Although Kim wasn't looking at her, Pie glared at Kim, telepathically saying that the food shouldn't be shared to anyone.

"I better not, Kim," said the woman. She subtly rolled her eyes at Pie before starting to walk away. "I'll go ahead."

"I'll see you around," said Kim as the woman exits the door.

After they heard the door latch Pie spoke up, "Eve, huh?"

"Yeah, she's Eve. Why?"

"How did you get to know her?"

"Mmm, should I not know my colleagues?"

"How long have you been here again?"

"Mmm, almost five months..."

"You know what, I've been here for more than two years and I have no idea what's the name of that woman," said Pie, pointing at the door. "And you, you've been here for just a few months, Kim, and it seems like you already know everybody."

"Well..." Kim tried to recollect how she got acquainted with Eve, "...Van introduced her to me."

"Ahh, Van."

"And we chat sometimes, you know. Something wrong?"

"Nothing. I just didn't realize you really are that popular."

"Why, are you jealous?" said Kim, smirking.

"Excuse me?" Pie scowled back. "You didn't see how that woman glared at me. It seems like I've put myself in danger today just by having breakfast with you!"

"G-glared at you? Why would she do that?" asked Kim. Pie just rolled her eyes. "Well, you're popular with the boys too, you know."

"But I'm not as flirty as you are, Kim."

Kim raised her fork. "The term is 'nice', Pie, 'nice'."

Pie rolled her eyes again. "Whatever." She thought of teasing Kim by showing a seductive smile. "Why, are you jealous?"

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