December 24th, 2015

5 0 0

Having the same thoughts again?

We're not ready to do this, are we?

Hey, you over there, what are you eating?

Sometimes the moon is so dark you can't see it.

Sink deeper into infinity as you ponder in the darkness.

Once I overheard a stranger speaking about me; they didn't realize who I was - how surreal to listen to your life in third person.

If you're hungry, don't forget to eat.

Musing over the same things doesn't bring resolution.

You shouldn't do that to yourself...

It's a sleeping home in the nightmares.

He's sniping our target!

It's a trick all around you.

That reel is a little too big.

Shoot me! He shot me...

Wakefulness is the absence of the mind.

A rock, a rock.. it's a rock!

Bye James!

A little too much empathy.

There you are!

And now.. you're awesome, and thank you.

A different word, a different word!  

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