March 1st, 2015

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You know, that weird feeling that you get in your stomach when you feel you missed the bus (that special bus ride to meet up with your significant other), well I get that every Tuesday just because I miss work completely. I mean, how strange is that? That happens all the time, doesn't it? Well, not today. You see, I was walking to the local grocery store (We like to call it Wal-Mart), and along my way I saw four pigeons there; sitting in the dark. I asked them to kindly fly away, but they took my money instead. I was hoping that this wouldn't happen again..

My mind is a flightless lullaby;

a song that can't sing.

If there weren't ever lyrics,

then maybe this would be a thing.

But now's the rhythmic dischord fire

raining down and burning my hands.

I can't even sing, but if I could

I bet I'd just say your name.

My mind cries every night, but I only hear it when I remember what it used to be.

Rhyme isn't really necessary.

You don't even need to breathe.

If you took everything my heart felt,

you'd have a mess, that's for certain.

Why can't I dream?

Sometimes I fall asleep even when I'm awake.

Even then, I still find myself unrelentless toward myself.

Every little noise hurts my head; it makes it too hard to hear my own thoughts.

Sometimes I wish I could remove my legs as they pain me so.

Every now and again, I whisper to myself "Are you okay?"

I'm still waiting for an answer.

The echoes that I made long ago are just now reaching my ears.

I'm afraid to answer them back.

Why can't I let my thoughts flow again?

It's like the stream not only dried up, but turned sour.

The moon rotates around me a million times faster than I can think;

doesn't matter, I still get to look at it.

Nighttime elogies aren't what they used to be;

although they're always as they seem, right?

Maybe if I count to ten, I'll disappear.

Depends on how slow I count..

The square root of the human condition isn't much more than an erratic equation; it can't be solved; just beaten until sore. The only exception to this is a rule change, not too much unlike "i".

Every time I go out to sea, I find myself wondering where all my friends are.

Sometimes when I'm walking alone, I feel less alone than ever before.

Imagery can be concerning; let's imagine something better.

If you had to introduce yourself to yourself,

what would you say?

How many people can be counted as insane?

How many people know who they are?

Why don't people treat people as well as their pets?

Can't I see, just once, a human soul?

Every day I take my first breath without thinking..

Will I do the same with my last?

I don't know why people do all that they do..

I have a hard enough time figuring why I do things!

Where are all the flashing lights?

Sometimes it just gets too dark, ya know?

I wonder what your mother would say if she saw you doing that.

I asked an elderly gentleman what his biggest regret was.

He couldn't answer me because he was dead.

I very rarely ask them to leave out the mayonnaise.

When I do though, the movie rental guy gives me a weird look.

I learned Chinese once, but I forgot it when I was born.

All the abstraction that a person can do doesn't make up for that fact that I'm still me and you're still you.

Every night conceives the morning, which in turn conceives another night; how many generations have gone by without learning even one of their names?

Do you walk by people every day? Do you make it a point to make a stranger smile? Why don't you 'accidentally' bump into one of them and change history?

All I ever do is whine.

- A metaphysical poem by me.

Do you ever ask yourself how you're doing? Do you ever answer dishonestly?

Why can't you see the beauty in yourself as easily as you see the beauty in the moon or the sunrise? You eclipse both combined.

Where in the world are we now? I thought I just woke up.

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