Chapter 1

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That is Samantha. Enjoy!!

Kathy's POV

I woke up in the morning to banging on my door. I quickly got up and answered it. Blake came in, I cringed waiting for him to strike. Mom came in behind him with a beer glass in her hand. Blake punched me in the gut, then slapped me in the face, making me falter. I cried for him to stop, but he just kicked me over and over in the stomach, mom made no move to stop him. It didn't end til I screamed, he smiled satisfied. I got up after they left and dressed quickly. I ran out the door and all the way to school.

Once I was in school I ran into Jake,"Hey Kat what happened to you?" I gasped and brought my hand to my cheek where Blake slapped me. "Oh um... Sorry Jake I gotta go." I rushed to Samantha, she turned and saw me.

Immediately getting her makeup bag out. "Kat, oh my gosh, are you ok? How bad did he get you?" I cried in her arms for a long time.

Once I cleaned myself up she cleaned up my big bruise on my face. Soon she was done and put everything away. "If I could I would slap the crap out of that bastard." I nodded agreeing with her and we left for class.

Time skip- end of school

After school Jake asked if I wanted to come over, in which I agreed I really don't wanna go back and meet Blake's hand again. We arrived at Jake's house, and as the gentlemen he proclaims to be, Jake opened the door for me. I laughed at his behavior and walked inside. I was soon greeted with Billy rolling up and giving me a hug. I flinched cause my side was bruised badly, Billy noticed this and pulled away with me flinching again,"Kathy are you ok? You have been having cuts and bruises, and you have been flinching a lot. What's been happening?" I looked down trying to hide the truth to hide the pain. Jacob looked at me sadly, they asked me this often and every time I answered,"Oh nothing to worry about just stuff." They sighed letting it go... For now. After a while we were laughing, telling jokes, and having fun. It felt right and normal.

Time skip- Back home

I came inside the house to see Blake there waiting for me. A tear slipped my eyes and he started beating on me. After he was done he left me alone. I could feel my rib broken, my lip busted, my head bleeding, and scratches everywhere. I tried getting up, but stumbled and tried again slowly going to my room. I locked my door and climbed in bed crying myself asleep.

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