Chapter Sixty-Seven

Start from the beginning

"No hints," Ana told him. "We're going full blown traditional with this wedding. You know that."

"Are their feathers?"


"What about sequins?"


"Is there a big skirt thing that follows behind you? Is it called a train? Which doesn't really make sense, but I think that's what Marieka called it."


"Huh?" Her using his last name seemed to have confused him.

"What do you not understand about no hints?" Ana walked back into the master bedroom with two sundresses draped over her right arm.

"The 'no' part."

Ana let out an exasperated sigh, hooking Ford under his little bottom to pick him up out of her suit case and put her dresses where he'd just been sitting. "Yeah, yeah, I'm putting you down." Because as soon as she'd moved him, he started wiggling and chirping 'LeeLee' up at her indignantly. "Don't forget to go pick up his suit from the seamstress tomorrow."

"Ford's getting a suit?" Blake asked.

"For his ring bearing duties," Ana reminded him. "Besides, he needed one anyways for special occasions."

"Why didn't I know about this?" Blake asked.

"You did, but you sometimes forget things when you don't think they're important to remember at the time."

Blake looked at her then rolled his eyes before he had to lean down and snatch one of Diesel's toys from Ford before the toddler could stick it in his mouth. "Nope. That's nasty bud. You don't know where that's been."

"Daddy," Ford whined.

"You hungry? You want LeeLee to stop packing and make you lunch?"

"I need to get back to the bakery, Blake. I was trying to get a head start on my packing during my lunch break, but I really need to head back."

"Hungy, LeeLee," Ford said sadly.

"You can't leave my little boy hungry," Blake said, twisting this whole situation around on her. Ana knew exactly what he was trying to do. He was trying to use Ford to guilt trip into staying home longer. He was so naughty, because it was working.

"That's cheating," Ana told him.

"All's fair in love and war."

Ana headed down stairs to make a quick lunch of chicken teriyaki chicken with white rice and veggies. Ford held her hand and the rail as he came down with her, and he bounced around her knees as she maneuvered through the kitchen. She gave him a little piece of chicken to taste and see if he liked it. When he put his arms up to get a better look, she finished lunch with the little boy secure on her hip.

Thirty minutes after the showdown, Ana had sat Ford in his booster seat at the table with a plate of food and made Blake one as well. She stepped back with her hands on her hips as she watched her boys dig in, shaking her head.

"All right, the two of you are fed. I'm going back to work." She turned to grab her purse and keys.

"Actually," Blake began, no doubt going to come up with some other asinine thing to keep her at the house longer, but Ana closed the door to the garage with a snap, effectively cutting off his sentence.

When she made it back to the bakery, Ian was finishing the dirty icing of a specialty cake due in a couple days before he would wheel it into their walk-in cooler. Linda had the day off, because she'd be busy the next bit with Ana taking so much time off for her wedding and such. They'd discussed it, but it worked out, because when Ana returned from her honeymoon, she was sending Linda and her family on a paid-leave, all expenses paid vacation for her being such a reliable, trustworthy, and remarkable assistant manager at the bakery since she had been hired.

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