Chapter Seven: Lothlórien

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Aragorn grabs Gimli "That was not so courteous." My brother says to him

Haldir glances at Frodo.

"You bring great evil with you." Haldir says looking at Aragorn "You can go no further."

He walks away. Sam and Pippin turn to look at Frodo. He looks slightly uncomfortable. Aragorn argues with Haldir, angrily.

"Boe ammen veriad lîn. Andelu i ven!" Aragorn says (We need your protection. The road is fell!)

Haldir whispers back inaudibly.

Legolas turns to look at Frodo, who looks uncomfortably away, and his eyes fall on Sam. Sam looks away, a hurt expression in his eyes. Merry and Pippin do likewise. Gimli glances at Frodo. Aragorn continues to argue loudly with Haldir.

"Andelu i ven." Aragorn says (The road is very dangerous.)

"Gandalf's death was not in vain... nor would he have you give up hope." Boromir says to Frodo "You carry a heavy burden, Frodo... don't carry the weight of the dead."

Frodo ponders this. Haldir appears, looking less than happy.

"You will follow me." Haldir says

Suddenly a familiar face walks up to me, my eyes widen in fear and snarl, backing up.

"Oh Lyra is that anyway to treat an old friend?" He asks

"Du bør være død Jarvis , jeg så du dør , du ble drept for å forråde mitt folk ! Jeg så din søster Anika kutte strupen din ! Hvordan har du det ikke?!" I say in my native tongue 

"Oh my dear, you think a small cut to the throat will kill me?" He asks as he trails a hand down my face, I turn my face away from him.

"You betrayed me! You gave my people to Azog!" I say through my teeth angrily

"Your people deserved it!" Jarvis says

"So the children did? Those who had hardly lived a life?! My father and brother are dead because you betrayed us!" I growl, my eyes glowing.

"Your brother didn't die in that dungeon" Jarvis says 

"What are you saying? My brother's alive?" I ask wide eyed with shock

"No, he was but I killed him, the last thing he said was: Lyra , klarte jeg å finne deg. Jeg elsker deg og vil alltid være med deg" Jarvis says smirking

I feel like I can't breathe, my brother was alive, but Jarvis killed him "You monster!" I say and lunge for him but Legolas and Aragorn hold me back.

"Let me go! I will kill you Jarvis! Even if it's the last thing I do!" I scream as tears run down my face. Legolas pulls me close and turns to Haldir.

"I want him out of my sight and away from her" He practically snarls, his eyes glowing red, Haldir makes a move to grab Jarvis, but Jarvis suddenly transforms into a phoenix and flies off.

A caravan of Elves leads the Fellowship along a ridge, through the golden woods. Boromir glances at Frodo behind him. The group comes to the end of the high ridge and looks out. A great glade of trees rises above them.

"Caras Galadhon... the heart of Elvendom on earth. Realm of the Lord Celeborn and of Galadriel, Lady of Light." Haldir tells us

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