I was on my bed sleeping when I heard stomping coming from down stair. Damn it! He must be home! I ran downstair in lightning speed to the dinner room and serve him his foods then ran upstair to my sister room.

"Hey sis!" Lilly excited voice fill my ears.

"Hey baby girl." I cooed, out of breath. I really need to participate in Physical Education class.

"I'm hungry! Can we go eat?!" She ask, looking at me with that big round eyes of her.

"In a minute ok?" She nodded and go back to coloring her book. I sighed and pulled out my math homework. Why does they give us homework at home? Don't we learn enough at school already? Apparently not. Those damn evil teachers.

I sighed and started to grab a piece of scrap paper then start solving some problem. It was 10 minutes later that I heard noises coming from downstairs.

"ELENA! YOU BITCH GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT!!" I heard he screaming from downstair. Oh shit he drunk again. Why can't he just pass out when he drunk?

"Ok Lilly, I want you stay in this room and lock the door. Don't open it unless you hear my voice ok?" I said as calmly as I could to Lilly.

Being as young and innocent as she is, she just nodded and do what I said. I walked downstair then suddenly feel a pain on my head, then I realize that he have throw a bottle of beer to my head. I want to cry but from experience, I know not to.

"GO MAKE YOURSELF A LITTLE USEFUL AND BUY ME SOME BEER." He yelled in my face. He push me to the door and I winced in pain. The jerk then walk off to the living room and I quickly pushed myself off from the door.

I touched my shoulder then flinched when I remember that it was the bruise from yesterday. My so call father had slammed me to the wall (very hard may I added) yesterday, leaving a purple bruise there. I sighed and opened the door.

I walked on the dark street, hoping that he won't do anything to Lilly. There were light, but it so dimmed that you can barely see it.

I walked slowly, thinking about all the possibility of how my life would of turn out if I could take Lilly and get out of that place I call home.

It would have been a dream come true, but a dream is just a dream. I know I couldn't do it. I would be damn lucky if I could keep Lilly and I alive even for 3 days. I groaned and snap out of my thought when I see the convenience store.

I walked into the convenience store and take 2 packs of beer and make my way to the cashier as fast as possible. The others customers stare at me disapprovingly, which I ignored and keep my eyes down, speeding to the cashier. It not like I care but seriously? They need to mind their damn own business.

The cashier is on her phone texting and smiling. Probably texting her boyfriend. I wonder if I would ever have one and quickly shook the thought away as soon as it came.

I can't be selfish like that. I still have Lilly to worry about. The cashier didn't even spare me a glance and scan the 2 packs of beers, then tell me how much I have to pay. 

I quickly hand it to her and sprinted out the store so she couldn't see that I'm underage. I doubt she even care but it be a bother if I get caught.

I walked home slowly with 2 packs of beers in my hand and some people even had the nerve to shot me dirty look. I mean, I'm 17 for god sake! I think it legal in most state right? More importantly, why the hell are you outside at this hour?

I opened the door slowly and quietly so he wouldn't hear me. I walk in to the living room to see he had knocked out on the couch, snoring himself to sleep.

Great! So I go through all this stupid trouble for nothing! I sighed and walked into the kitchen, stocking the beers into the fridge.

After I finished , I look at the clock that read 1:30 in the morning. I stand up and stretched my back, hearing it crack. Well, now they are where they suppose to be.

I make my way upstair and groan when I remember that I have a history test tomorrow, which I didn't study for. Wait but tomorrow is Saturday right? Dang, I swear I have problem.

I make my way to Lilly room and try to open it when I realize that she had lock the door like I tell her too. I smile and knock on it softly. If she were up she going to open them, if she not then she sleeping.

I hear rustling sound on the other side of the door and I grin.

"Lilly is me" I said as the door pull open. Revealing a sleepy Lilly with a worn out teddy that I bought her 3 years ago on her birthday, held tightly in her arm. She walked out and look at me with half open, half close eyes. I smile and walk over to her, closing the door quietly behind us.

"Elena" she call as I pulled her up in my arm and hug her to me. She snuggle her face to the crook of my neck as I walked her to the bed and lay her down.

"Goodnight baby girl" I mumble and kiss her head. Lilly had fallen asleep again.

I pull the blanket up to her shoulder and peck her forehead then make my way to my room. I detach myself from the dirty clothes and put on a new one, not that it any better. I sighed and kicked out my shoe. I stand their and debate either to take a shower or not. Nah I'll do it tomorrow. I slumped down to the bed and soon, I was knocked out as fast as lightning.
I know it short. But the other chapters will be longer! Promise🤗

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