Chapter Five

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Iris shook as she walked down the hallway, sticking close to the wall. Her black kitten doll was wrapped up in her arms, her dream from the night before already put to the back of her mind, and her black, leather book bag hung from her arm. Many people passed her, as the bell had just rung for lunch, and she was simply (and perhaps stupidly) frightened for her life.

Slowly, the hallways began to clear. She sighed in relief, stopping to lean against a wall, and she slowly fell to her knees before holding her stomach. She could feel it rumble, although she knew she didn't have the money for food. Soon, she would have to pay rent for her apartment, and that alone would be hard.

She rubbed her eyes tiredly, letting them fall to half open. After it had become quiet, she began to realise just how tired she felt, although there was no physical way other than her drooping eyelids to tell. Actually, her face was completely clear; no blemishes or bags-or even freckles-could be seen. Her uncovered eye was glassy, and it was all but clouded out, making her appear blind along with the tear-like film.

Slowly, she nodded off, unconcious by the time someone came along and picked her up, carrying her away.

And he watched over her the entire time, not too sure what to think.

After all, she was his and his only to protect.

She was his princess, he the knight.

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