“Do not use that voice with me!” Josh turns his head and sees Zayn and Liam, joined together at the hands. “That!” he points to them. “That’s what I wanted to tell you!”

    “That?” Louis scoffs. “I already knew that was going to happen.”

    Josh throws his hands up in frustration. “Ugh.”

    “Yeah, whatever,” he tells Josh. Louis turns toward the new couple. “I’m happy for you guys, I really am. Mazeltov and all that good shit.” And with that, Louis sits back down at his desk and goes back to reading.

The man reaches behind her and takes the phone from her hand, smashing it against the ground and stomping on it for effect. “Aw, who’re you gonna call now?”

I can only imagine how terrified this woman is. Hell, I’m scared just standing here. I really just want to run away from the entire situation, but I can’t considering my only out is going through one of the restaurants and that will only bring attention to me (and I doubt the doors are unlocked).

The woman takes a step back. She says something, but it’s so soft that I can’t decipher the words; however, whatever it is that slips out of her mouth, I don’t think it was a joke and I am very sure that the man is mental for laughing. She takes another step back and looks around, probably for an escape, but she probably comes to the same conclusion as me: there is no escape.

“This is really such a waste,” the man says. Neither the woman nor I have the time to figure out what he means before he grabs something from his belt. The shine of the blade of the knife is reflected from the dim street lights.

I gulp. Should I run out and stop him? Should I scream and let them know I am here? Should I try the closest door and call for help? Should I do anything at all?

Just as I am about to reveal myself, the woman screams. I look at the scene and see that the man has an arm around the woman’s waist and her body looks limp. He holds her for a little while and I feel like I’m about to throw up.

My thoughts assume he is going to leave her body in the alley and flee, but he doesn’t. He takes her with him and I just stand there, shocked and not sure what to do. Well, actually I do know what to do.

I throw up.

Louis’ eyes are wide as he reads. His hands are covering his mouth and he is in shock just like Toby. “Oh, my god,” he mutters as he clicks to the next page.


    The next time Louis is in his English Lit class, his professor is handing back their assignments. Usually, Louis dreads this because he always gets a low mark that makes him want to quit university all together and buy a big box with the little money he has to start off his life as a homeless man.

    He shudders at the thought because what if he does become homeless and he ends up like Toby, witnessing a murder and all? Louis thinks back to the story of how Toby tried to get the police to believe him, but they didn’t. They just kicked him out the station and paid no mind to what he was actually saying. That really bugged Louis and now he can’t wait to get back to his room, so he can read the next chapter.

    Zayn gets his assignment back before Louis and he frowns at his paper. Louis is not used to seeing Zayn frown at his work, not in this class, so he asks, “How’d you do?”

    “Not as well as I should have. I procrastinated and I did it last minute and I just,” he sighs. “I got distracted.” Liam is one hell of a distraction and there’s no denying that.

Where Is My Mind (Larry/Ziam AU)Where stories live. Discover now