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    Josh stands there, looking from Liam to Zayn and just waiting for one or both of them to say something. After a minute of silence, Josh figures his two friends are not going to talk unless he talks first.

    “So, how long has this been going on?”

    Liam instantly blushes and Zayn bites his lip. “Josh, I . . .” Liam really doesn’t even know what to say. He just had all of these feelings and then he ran into Zayn and Zayn was apologizing and he really didn’t need to apologize and then they kissed and it was wonderful and wow.

    “Not as long as it should have gone since we were rudely interrupted,” Zayn answers since Liam can’t. He grins at Liam which only making his blush burn brighter.

    “No, but seriously. Since when have you two,” Josh waves his hand in front of them, “done that?” He feels that he should have known that Zayn and Liam have something going on since he is the one who introduced them to each other. Like, if he never convinced Liam to come here, then they would not have been making out a few minutes ago.


    “Not all that long,” Liam says. “Pretty recent actually.”

    “Oh, my god.” Josh covers his mouth with his hand. “This just happened right now, didn’t it? Fuck.”

    Zayn nods. “Good job, genius.”

    “Oh, my god,” Josh says again. He takes a step back. “Carry on with . . . that.” He shakes his head, not at Zayn and Liam, but at himself. He was just surprised to see them having a face battle right out in the open like it was their one mission in life, that’s all. He  didn’t mean to intrude on their moment, especially if this is new.

“Oh, my god.” Liam is who says this after Josh is gone as he slumps his head on Zayn’s shoulder.

Zayn rubs his back. “That wasn’t bad.”

“I’m so embarrassed,” Liam admits, face still buried in Zayn’s shirt.

“Don’t be.” Zayn pulls Liam away from his shoulder and kisses him. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”


Louis is still sitting at his laptop, reading away. This story is so deep and sad, and he really feels for this Toby character. He’s had a hard life and if Louis were in his situation, he has no idea what he would do. Then again, if he doesn’t get his grades up soon, it won’t be long before he finds himself in a similar place like Toby.

Only a few blocks away from the Coppock Bridge, I find myself rummaging through my favorite dumpster at night. There are a line of restaurants that all throw their trash away here and people of money tend to throw away perfectly good food. As I am sorting out scraps and whatnot, I hear hurried footsteps getting louder and louder by the step. I look up from the dumpster and down the alley, wondering who it is that is practically running so late at night.

“Oh, my god,” Josh practically shouts at he enters the room. Louis ignores him and continues on reading.

A woman ducks into the alley and she is panting hard. She clutches her chest and tries to slow down her breathing a bit. I am not sure if she saw me or if she will see me, so I just freeze in my spot by the dumpster. From where she is standing now, I doubt she can see me since the dumpster is pretty much blocking my body.

“You are not going to believe what I just saw on my way back from class!”

She pulls out something from her pocket, but before she can do anything with it, a man creeps his way behind her. “You can run, but you can’t hide,” he says and she spins around, her back to me.

Where Is My Mind (Larry/Ziam AU)Where stories live. Discover now