Chapter 2

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Narvel was still scrolling when what was so unexpected came up on his screen a redhead he had been waiting to call him with the contact name "baby😍" his heart sunk reading it knowing he didn't change it cause he didn't want to just yet...he slowly clicked the answer button and said

"Hello" "h-hello" she said,hearing his voice made tears well up In hear eyes but also get a soft smile "uh is anything wrong Reba are u alright" he said "oh yea I j-just wanted to t-talk to u" she started crying again "don't cry bab Reba I'll be there in a minute just plz don't cry" he says "I-i miss u Narvel don't hang up"she says  "I won't red just stop crying and I'll be there in a minute" he said,his heart was breaking more and more hearing her cry non stop. "Thank u Narvel this means a lot" she says "your welcome red see ya in a minute bye" he says "bye" she says and with that he didn't Hang up till he got to the door.

Narvel got to the house and knocked on the door Reba ran to it answered it and hug him like she hadn't seen him in months unconsciously. After a minute Reba realized what she was doing and pulled away "I'm sorry I wasn't thinking" she says "your fine I missed your hugs" he says with a smile and small chuckle,she smiles "yea um wanna go sit" she says "yea" and they walk to the couch and just sit there in silence for five minutes till the silence got disturbing and Narvel spoke up "so u wanted to talk to me" he says "oh um yea" she says getting small tears in her eyes "I wanted to talk about what has been going on we never really talked about it" she says holding back the very willing tears that were threatening to fall in her eyes.  "Ok so where to u wanna start" he says "well what caused this" she says with one tear falling down her face,she looked pitiful and it broke narvels heart all the way. "Well red I think it was are first huge fight that wouldn't stop coming,but it was just cause we didn't know how to act around each other.but I think we could have fixed it, it just went to quick and I still believe we can fix it. Cause I realized I can't live with out u and I need u,u are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love u. He says Reba had tears streaming down her face now. "U really mean that" she says "yes I do red" he says "Narvel I believe we did to we just hit a bump in the road that can be fixed we just jump to conclusions to much. But I cant live without u I haven't slept in 2 days and I'm a crying lazy mess I need u Narvel your my rock my partner,buddy,bestfriend and most definitely my lover I love u Narvel and always will" and with that the both lean in into a passionate lip lock letting all their worries go,with their lips moving in sync Reba climbs on top of him wrapping her arms around his neck taking in the feeling of his lips on hers and his body touching hers,Narvel wraps his arms around her waist pulling her even closer and making the kiss deeper if even possible. They let go catching their breath "what are we gonna do now that we're back together wait we are back together right" Reba says "of course we are baby" he says and Reba gets the biggest smile hearing him call her baby "hehe I love u but for real the cmas are coming up in a couple of days then their thanksgiving we have to get this figured out" she says "I love u too and we can figure all that out tomorrow right now I just wanna be with u" he says she just smiles and kisses him again "wait we gotta get u cloths"she says "well I'll go get them then come back"he says "no don't leave me I want to be in your arms"she says clinging on to him tighter, "then u come with me" he says "ok" she then puts her head deep in his shirt and takes in his smell,she always loved his smell. He laughs at how cute she was. "U gonna let me go babe" he says "oh yea carry me" she says. He picks her up and carries her to the tour bus then looks at her,she was passed out it his arms.he smiled down at the beautiful red head that was in his arms he then lays her down gently on the bed "where am I" Reba says sleepily "shh baby just go back to sleep" and with that she falls right back to sleep and narvel packs a small bag picks her back up and carries her back to the house. He walks up the stairs and into their bedroom he lays her gently down gets a warm wash rag and wipes off her makeup gently,she wakes up and smiles softly at him and whispers "I love u" he smiles and says "I love u too now go back to sleep I got this" while wiping the rest off putting the rag back in the sink and walking back in to see his beautiful red head back asleep he smiles scoots her over lays down pulls her close wrapping his arms around her waist she curls up in his chest he kisses her head and they both fall into a deep sleep in each other's arms.

Back around to love againजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें