We will never be friends..

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-Chris's POV-

It is Monday, and I left my dorm to escort Paris to class with me as usual, however she wasn't by her dorm,
I put my ear against Her door and I heard whimpering,
A wave of worry hit me and I broke down her door,
I saw her lying on the floor, but it wasn't Paris,
It was Sarah,
"Sarah!" I screamed kneeling down to her,
Foam was coming down her mouth, pills scattered the floor,
"What did you do?! Sarah, baby I love you!" I cried.
"Come back!" I screamed tears rushing down my face,

-Paris's POV-
I left my dorm to meet chris out side so we can walk to class, however he wasn't there, I heard crying from the dorm, a wave of worry hit me and I broke down the door,
He was having a nightmare,
I dropped my bag and shook him trying to wake him,
He still shook like crazy screaming Sarah! Crying,
I got a cold wet cloth from the bathroom and placed it on his forehead,

-Chris's POV

I shot awake, drenched in sweat, my vision was blurry,
"S..Sarah?" I said blinking,
My vision became clear to see a worried Paris standing over me with a cold towel to my head,
I sat up and snatched the towel, she jumped back in fear,
God why do I keep scaring her?
"What are you doing in here get out"
"But I thought we were going to class together"
"I'm not going today, I have some...stuff to be doing"
"But the teacher said-"
"I don't care what the school thinks I've got shit to do now leave!" I beamed at her,
"I'm not gonna leave you Chris!" She yelled back,
"No matter how much you yell at me and hurt me I will still never leave you!" She yelled tears coming down her face,
I looked away with guilt,
"Fine" I whispered,
I got changed and headed out the door pushing past her,
I got in my car and she got in also,
I didn't dare look at her and she didn't dare look at me,

I drove up to the cemetery,

-Paris's POV-

We got out of the car in silence and I followed behind,
We walked down the path till he turned  and glared at me,
"Stay back" he grunted,
I nodded and stood still as he walked up to the tomb stone,
It was freezing outside and I could see barely,
(I'm legally blind lol I'll shut up)
Due to the thick fog,
He kneeled down and began to speak,
I heard him cry A little, he seems to hate it when people see him cry,

-Chris's POV-

I finished talking to Sarah when I felt a hand being placed on my shoulder, I felt calm sort or, but I snapped out of my trace and automatically stood up,
"I told you to stay back" I spat,
"A year today huh?" She said looking at the date of the stone,
"Shut up" I said pushing her back storming back to the car,

-Paris's POV-
It began to pour down with rain as I stood still watching Chris push past me, everytime he pushed me it hurt,
Physically and mentally,
Due to my Bruises and the fact that I am trying to help yet all I do is fuck up, I, probably better off just leaving to be honest, get out of everyone's way, they would all be so much better off without me. Even my own parents wanted me out of their lives, I guess it all makes sense.
I shook it off,

I got in his car and he drove off,
"C..Chris?" I said sadly
"What?" He sighed
"W..who is she" I asked nervously
"None of your concern" he warned
"W..why won't you tell no body"
"Cause I have flesh cold as ice and my skin sparkles in the sun and I'm a fucking vampire" he said
"No!!!! Like I said it's none of your fucking business," he raised his voice,
"D..do you hate me Chris?"
"No...I just find it extremely difficult to like you in any way shape or form" he Said,
"S..so we aren't friends,"
He slammed the breaks and turned to me,
"Ok cut the shit alright! I am not your friend, I will never be your friend, I never want to see you as a friend, there is no fucking we, it's just me and a kid that doesn't get the hint" he screamed at me,
I became frightened, tears formed in my eyes,
"You wanna be left alone?" I asked quietly
"Fine, now your on your own," I said quietly, taking off my seatbelt and getting out the car, as I watch the car speed off along a never ending dirt road,
I could see my breath in the air it was so cold,
I hit out my inhaler,mid I forget to mention I am asthmatic? And took a puff,
Great none left,
My lungs are incredibly sensitive when it comes to cold damp air and walking in these conditions does not help one bit,
I hope I make it back before having an asthma attack or even fainting,

Hey guys,
How is it going, hope your okay,
I am really enjoying writing this story,
I am really hungry lol, I haven't sit in a while, so yeah,
I'm gonna be updating quite a big tonight cause I am bored as shit so yeah,
Question of the day?
What is your favourite drink and snack?
Mine is a cup of good al British tea XD
And apple and peanut butter, that sound weird but I love it XD
Comment your answer and what you think of this chapter i will update soon xx

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