"Shush. He's the boo."

"Thought Melo was?"

"He's my husband." I said laughing and pointing to my left ring finger

"That nigga knows nothing about you." She said laughing

"One day he will." I said to myself

"So what up with you and Chris?" She asked quietly, "Did you tell him?"

"No, not yet. I'm tryna find out how to tell him."

"Well you better tell him soon." She said giving me a look

How will I tell him I'm pregnant, but don't want to keep the baby? This is all a big mistake, this wasn't suppose to happen. 3 months ago I wasn't even in this position. If I wasn't in the path I was in already I would consider having a baby. I mean for goodness sake, the woman who was suppose to be my mom isn't and she is in a coma. My own father is out in the middle of Iraq fighting in wars and I'm finding out I'm pregnant. This is all too much for me, the stress, the lies, the pain. I feel like my life is falling apart.

"Yo Lex?" Chris said walking in the kitchen


"You aight? You seem different." He said

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"Well, Key and D in there having a makeout session on our couch and you in here doing whatever you was doing."

"I was thinking if I should make me a sandwich."

"Well I had an idea."


"Lets go for a drive." He said

"Not with me looking like this." I said pointing to my outfit

"Bae, you look good." He said pulling me with me, "If ya'll leave use the spare in the candy dish and lock my door

"I got you bruh."

"Don't be fucking in my house." Chris said pulling me with him out the house

"Don't you gotta get ready? It's already 8." I said stopping

"I got time. Get in." He said opening my door

I got in and he just drove, he didn't say where we were going either, he just said "Gotta make a few stops." We stopped at a flower shop as he picked up some flowers. We then headed to a Cemetery. He paid his respects to his cousin, then we left.

"That was my first time going there since his funeral." Chris spoke

"How do you feel?"

"Mix of feelings." He said stopping at a light, "I ain't felt this way in a while." He said looking at me then back at the road. When the light turned green, he headed to this parking lot, then shut off the car. I then realized we were at the beach. It was empty, but the sun was setting and it looked so beautiful."

"Come on, leave your shoes and socks." He said getting out the car

We walked down the beach, walking in the sand as the water from the shore hit our feet. Chris kept talking about his childhood. I was enjoying it cause it was just sweet how his childhood was.

"I remember one Christmas, my momma told me Santa wasn't gonna get me anything because Santa didn't like me trying to impersonate Michael." He said laughing

"Impersonate MJ?" I said laughing

"I was a kid, I was impersonating everybody." He said laughing

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