Forbbin Love: The True Story of Matt & Ashley: Chapter 1

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We've all heard of fate right? Two people meet and decide that it was fate that brought them together, well I never had much respect for all that mushy love stuff. I figured all that "meant to be" meant was "I happened to be walking and meet you but i want it to sound cute", I left that kind of thinking to Hollywood. Well, that is, until I was the one feeling it...until i met him. I can honestly say that most of my freshmen year of highschool was an absolute blur, except the parts about him, of which i remember every detail. I never knew i could feel so much until October 5, that's when i was suddenly hit with every emotion possible. All because of Matt Fountain.

Meeting him was an accident, I was with my friend Abby and he was with his friend Katie. His dad was late picking him up and I was looking for any excuse not to go home. Katie ran up to us and started a random conversation about music, of which we had the same taste. I don't remember much of what she said because i was too busy focusing on the strong, mysterious, guy with the broken leg. He had redish brown curly hair and brown eye, nothing out of the ordinary right? But something about those brown eyes of his drew me in. When he asked my name I was so nervous and intrigued by him that it took me a second to answer. He spoke with a sort of confidence that had to have only come with years of practice, a confidence i had never seen before. When I got home those few moments we talked ran through my head constantly.

The next day my locker just so happened to be outside his classroom so when he saw me he immidetly ran out to talk to me. I had all but forgotten about him but I tried to be cool about it. I saw him after school and Matt, Abby, and I all walked to a bench and talked for about 2 hours. I gave him my number, hugged him, and went home. I still felt him arms around me when I got home and again all I did was think about him. I became confident and we flirted, and even though I had never loved anyone more, I told him to ask out my best friend. After a little while of convincing, he finally agreed. Had I known he felt the same way I did I would have never told him to, but I never thought I could be loved, especially by someone as popular and amazing as him. I quietly settled for best friends, better than nothing right? His life was intoxicating, he drew me in with every word.

Him and Abby didn't exactly go well, he didn't really want her, she had her heart set on a guy she would never have, and I hungout with him everyday. We talked on the phone for 8 hours straight one night and that's when I knew that no matter what I had to have him. He told me he loved me but I wasn't one ever has before. I've heard "I love you" countless times but have never fallen for it, or in it for that matter, so that's why I made it all the way to freshmen year without a boyfriend. But on October 24, I had the most magical first kiss anyone could ever have. We snuck out at 12, rode his bike 2 miles to my house in the rain with a broken leg. When we got to my backyard I through my arms around him and he gave me a gentle, loving kiss. I had butterflies and was nervous but everything felt so...perfect. That is, until he left and I laid in my bed thinking "You just kissed your bestfriend's boyfriend...way to go...."

I was unsure of alot, but I knew I loved him, with all my heart and soul and every bit of me. I knew that I wanted to be with him because, for the first time, I found someone who made me feel secure. I didn't know how to approch the next day at school but I fell asleep with a smile because I could still taste his soft, gentle kiss and feel his strong, loving arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2011 ⏰

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