Aria chews on her bottom lip and continues to stare at the beauty in front of her.


The young human shakes her head and then looks towards her father. She then furrows her eyebrow in anger when she hears Amelia laughing. She knew why the Queen was laughing. Aria stands and then blurts throwing her napkin on top of her food, “I’ve lost my appetite.”

“You haven’t heard the great news.” Her father says, “The war is officially over. Ms. Chamberlain signed the treaty.”

“Who is the lucky fella?” Aria asks sarcastically.

“Well that’s why I invited you here honey.” Her father replies. “Ms. Chamberlain chose you.”

“What!” Aria begins to freak this was fake right? She couldn’t have chosen her. She did not go to the lining.

Amelia sips on her wine and then says, “Yes, Aria I guess the respectful way to say this is.” Amelia stands and then walks towards her. Aria takes steps back and tries to run for it but when she turns around Amelia was standing in front of her. She was so close that Aria could feel her breath on her face. Aria gulps and again she gets lost in the beauty golden orbs. Amelia steps closer and asks, “Will you be my wife Aria.” She then opens up this white box and it’s a diamond ring. It had to cost a fortune.

Aria tries to push the vampire back. The vampire frowns. She was losing her patience. She was trying to be nice like William told her. Aria looks up and see’s that the vampire was really trying but who cares Aria didn’t want to marry a vampire. She was going to marry her boy-friend and go to medical school and become a doctor. “No.” She states simply. “Now please get out my way or are you going to eat me.”

It was a low blow she knew it. For all she knew Amelia could have been a Veggie. That’s what the humans called the vampires who didn’t feed off of humans’ blood but Aria didn’t care.

A low growl catches her attention. She watches as the vampire steps to the side in anger, “As you wish Aria.”

The President calls his daughter but the selfish brat continues to run. “My apology Amelia I will have a nice talk with her.”


“Dad.” The younger girl cries. “You cannot do this to me. No! Please I cannot marry her.”

“She chose you.” The President replies. “It’s not up for discussion.”

“Tell her I’m off limits.” Aria screams. “I’m your daughter for Christ Sakes.”

“You’re not special.” Her father roars. “You will marry Queen Amelia and be a great wife.”

“I’m more than some wife father.” Aria sneers. “I’m not like mother. I’m going to be a doctor.”

The President laughs, “You’re going to be nothing. You will do your role as a woman and be the best wife to Amelia. Whatever she says you do it and always stand by her side.”

“Even sex!” Amelia hisses hoping this could get some type of reaction from her heartless father. “You’re selling me father.”

“You were going to open your legs one day anyways.”

Aria laughs in disbelieve but her tears continue to fall. “I hate you! You’re nothing you fucking bastard. I still wonder to this day how you became President.”

The President looks at her and replies, “You will see. One day you will understand.”

That day was the worst day if Aria’s life. Thirty minutes after talking with her father it was broadcast all over the world that she was to marry Queen Amelia and the war was over. Everyone cheered and clapped and fireworks even went off. Everyone was happy.

Book of AriaWhere stories live. Discover now