(Chapter 2) The Past Effects the Future

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NOTE: (y/ln)=your last name

(y/fn)=your first name

(y/ec)=your eye color

(y/hc)=your hair color

(y/hl)=your hair length

(y/w)=your weight


And just as Shizuo began to give up...

He saw her.

(y/fn) had been away from Ikebukuro for seven years. She was now a blossoming 24 year old. She had achieved her dream of becoming a famous model. Even despite the... Accident.

(y/fn) didn't have any family left. She didn't have anyone. No friends. No family. Not even a pet. She left Ikebukuro for seven years. She made a name for herself and became the definition of independent.

So when she arrived in Ikebukuro she expected her return to go unnoticed by anyone who actually knew her. However as she grabbed her suitcase and stepped to exit a living reminder of the past stood in front of her. He was a monster from her past... And after the accident, that's how she remembered him...

Shizuo Heiwajima is the monster from her past.

Yet the monster stood right in front of her. Smoke billowed out of his dropped jaw as though he was some sort of dragon. Aged muscles tensed under a rippling bartender uniform; it was a nice change from the Raira uniform he never wore correctly. Dyed blonde hair froze in time. Honey eyes widened behind blue sun glasses. (y/fn) was once so familiar with those honey hues.

"How did it come to this?" You thought.

Surprise showed on (y/fn) too. Her suitcase fell from her hand as her palms began to sweat. (y/ec) eyes widened in shock and in fear as the memories flooded her brain. Pink lips parted to gasp. Pink lips Shizuo had once gotten secret pleasure from when they had formed a smile. Now they formed a fearful expression, and he understood why. (y/hl) (y/hc) locks shook from your abrupt pause.

The two of you did nothing but stare. It was as though time had frozen. Everyone in the station became nonexistent and the world stopped turning. It was just you and Shizuo.

Suddenly a dry and hoarse voice set the world turning again. It was as though the voice struggled to speak...

"(y-....(y/fn)...," came Shizuo.

Yet the now deeper voice didn't phase you. You continued to stare lost in your own fears, your own questions, and your own memories.

Shizuo reached out to pick up your suitcase which laid just a centimeter away from you. As he grasped the handle, his rough hand brushed your leg. The abrupt touch sent you into a frenzy.


Your screech caused Shizuo to drop the suit case and pull away immediately. This time the entire station did pause. As your scream echoed off the walls the station silenced and turned to stare. All around you people turned. They stared at you and Shizuo whispering small accusations.

You and Shizuo were staring at each other once again. Hurt filled his eyes and was laced in his expression. You remained surprised, not at him but at your outburst. He meant no harm and you knew that, but your impulsive reaction was merely a consequence of the past.

"I'm sorry," he whispered almost inaudibly, " I didn't mean to. I'm leaving."

Then, with just that he left. The stares followed him out of the station. Once he disappeared from your vision the station buzzed with life again. A sudden gust of wind from a passing train filled ur nostrils with the scent of cigarettes. It burned you nose and caused tears to swell in your eyes. Despite the sudden blurry vision your eyes remained fixed on where Shizuo once stood.

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