The Game

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Last time: "Well it's called the pocky game... It's really funn~" I chuckled. "hmm never heard of it. Can you explain....?" Kid asked.

Now to the present. 

(Soul's POV)

"Well it's a little hard to explain, let's just get to the fun part of the game~" A deep chuckle and perverted thoughts filled my mind. "Ok...well then tell me what to do..." Kid  turned to face me completely so we could get started. "Alright, Open your mouth slightly." I said softly as I pointed one end of the pocky stick towards Kid's mouth. Kid nodded slightly as he opened his mouth a little bit waiting for me. I blushed slightly and hoped that Kid didn't see it, but judging by Kid's look, it seems that he didn't notice. "Now hold this in your mouth.." I said as I placed the pocky stick in his mouth. Kid seemed a little surprised but kept it in his mouth...and it looked like he was about to eat it.. "And don't eat it!" Kid was about to eat it! Kid's eye's reflected a little sadness in his eye's as he stopped and stayed still. 'Alright Soul... this is your chance! Come on.. Don't clam up now!' My thought's were going all over the place as I leaned in slowly. "Alright, now I will claim the other side and we'll both take turns and  move in and eat to the middle, and whoever gets the bigger piece wins" I said as a chuckled escaped my mouth. "Let the games begin" Before Kid could pull back, I latched onto the other side quickly and toke a little bite forward. His eye's were slightly widened and I could see a faint blush covering his cheeks and a little bit on his ears 'How cute..' I nodded softly, motioning for him to continue. He seemed to be a little hesitant but took a small bite froward. We continued it for a little bit longer until our noses were touched and our mouths were centimeters away. 

( Kid's POV) 

'I don't know what to do! We are so close! And it's my turn...What do I do, what do I do!'  I was busy panicking in my head that I didn't even noticed that I took a small bite forwards, our lips just barely touching. Soul stayed still for a little bit before he took the last nibble and our lips connected, my heart started to pound loudly as blush started to cover my cheeks. He didn't seem to be pulling away anytime soon,  and I wasn't complaining...It actually felt sweet to be kissed by Soul...Or was it the pocky? Nah it was Soul. I never remembered Pocky being this sweet. I looked at Soul's eye's and noticed that they were shut softly and that he also was enjoying the kiss. I slowly closed  my eye's as well and returned the kiss softly. Soul seemed happy by my actions because he pushed into the kiss a little harder but not a lot, in return I deepened the kiss ever so slightly, my mind and instincts taking over. As the kiss continued Soul pushed me onto my back against the couch at the same time he took the kiss a step forward and started to trace his tongue along my bottom lip. I immediately opened my mouth and met him half way in a tongue battle for dominance but lost almost right away. His tongue slipped into my mouth and explored  every inch of it, some parts were sensitive and when Soul grazed a sensitive part I couldn't help but whimper and  moan softly. Soul pulled away and stared at me for a little while as if he was thinking all of this was a dream, and I too thought this wasn't real. 

(Soul's POV) 

When Kid and I parted from our kiss I looked at Kid's flushed face and slightly shut eye's. He was truly a work of art, I couldn't believe that I was doing this to Death The Kid! The normally well composed kid was now laying on my couch, flushed cheeks and panting  softly. "You're so beautiful Kid..." I said without even thinking of what I have said, and when it registered in my mind, I blushed brightly and started to stutter over my words. "I-I'm sorry t-that was kinda weird..." I tried to look away from  Kid's stare but it was useless, the minute our eye's met I was entranced by his shining golden eye's. Kid didn't say anything but his eye's said 'more' I leaned in and pecked at Kid's lips, jaw, then his neck. I heard Kid moan softly when I nibbled on a part of his neck, I started to lick and suck at the  sensitive part and enjoyed the reaction I was getting. Kid was whimpering and groaning at every suck and nibble I was doing to him, sending tingles down my body and to my awakening member. This game was getting dangerous but it felt so good... 

Pocky Game Soul x KidWhere stories live. Discover now