Chapter 10 -Go Papa

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Ethaniel P.O.V

We're in the car on the way to what they are calling the club. I have been in baby world since my enlightenment. So that explains why I'm lookin in my mirror playing peek-a-boo with papa.

Its probably not the safest thing to do while you are driving but hey its fun.

Its a little chilly so I'm Bundled up in my lion king blanket and am sucking on my paci.

Damn. This is the life.

I start to drift off when the car pulls to a stop.

Zylen comes and gets me out.

"You ready to meet the family baby?"

I coo at him. That's the best answer he's getting.

I lay my head down on his shoulder and look around.

It looks like a old warehouse but renovated. We're surrounded by absolutely nothing.

Why would there family be here?

I'm not even sure what they do for a living. I don't know them at all.

We walk in an the place is set up as a prison cell block almost. The space is huge and opened but along the walls are stairs leading up to a bunch of rooms on both sides. In the corner is a nice looking bar with thousands of bottles. Then there various couches thru out the floor along with pool tables and dart boards.

There's no one in sight. Papa bushes a button and it makes a loud buzzing  sound startling me.

"Sorry baby".

Soon almost all the doors are opening to half naked men and women.

What the fuck I this place? A whorehouse?

I'm kind of embarrassed to be even like this so I hide me face in side of daddy's neck and press my body into him.

"It's OK munchkin. We are introducing you then we are going to papas and daddy's office."

Hello, I'm Ethaniel bye.

Of course this comes out as a coo and drawls everyone's attention to me.

Oh shit

I hide my face again

Orion whistles to get everyone to calm down. There's atleast 100 people.

"OK. Make this short and simple. This is my son. Any one says different I fuck them up. Got it. Ok. Anyone messes with him I fuck them up. In the case that you ever see him alone with out me or Zy. You grab him and bring him to me. I find out you hesitated or didn't bring him to me I..."

"You fuck is up we get it pres." Someone interrupted.

"No in the case that that happens your dead. I kill you."

Go papa!!!!

Orion turns to daddy who hands me over. I immediately put my face in his neck and he rubs back soothing me.

Daddy speaks up this time.

"Alright whores leave time for business."

All of the sluts leave. Ewww gross. That is not cute dressing that way.

A lot of the guys remain but some left with the sluts.

One of them is eyeing papa as he leaves with a look that says he wants to eat him. He sees me looking and sneers at me.

I glare right back coming out of my headspace since last night. I wave him off then snuggle into papa.

Daddy starts talking to the guys while papa walks away with me.

We go out the side door and walk toward some other buildings.

We walk into the furthest and I see its a daycare of sorts. It has thousand of toys and a dozen brand new computers. There's a couple of women in there and the guy that was staring me down.

"I need y'all to keep an eye out for him for about a half hour while I take care of some business"

A lone women in the corner speaks up.

"No prob. Pres."

She trys to take me but I whimper and hold on to papa.

"Papa will be back little one. Stay with Sara. If your good well stop by the toy store."

I reluctantly let go and grab it to Sara bit I start silently crying. 

He kisses my forehead then leaves.

As soon as the door closes the rest of the people make their way over to me and start poking and prodding me saying how cute I am.

Sara sits me on a mat on my tummy and sets some toys in front of me.

I'm tired and don't feel like playing so I just lay there wishing I had my Binky and blanket. I slowly drift of to sleep.

It feels like I've only been asleep for a couple of mins before I wake to be in kicked. First I think its a nightmare but I'm not dreaming I'm awake.
I cry out from the pain I look up and see...

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