Chapter One - Heads Up

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Hey everyone, Im just starting out my new story. I would appreciate it if you all would pitch in your thoughts or Ideas on where this story should head! If any of this work or characters are stolen, there will be punishments because it belongs to me.



Chapter 1

When I walked into school that day, I did not think I would end up leaving school with a detention. Sure, I'm a relatively good student; work hard and get good grades but I don’t have many friends. Right now I need to focus on school, the better I do, the faster I will be outta here.

My stomach rumbled loudly. Damn, I forgot to eat breakfast. I rummage through my bag only to find a wet granola bar shoved in there. Gross. I was entering my locker combo when I heard the loud ruckus of noise heading down the halls.

“Hey nerd”


His posse sauntered over to where I was standing. My eyes widened as I heard the voices of the jocks. They seemed into the whole "insult the nerd" role play anyway. My clammy hands did nothing to ease my tension. Its not that I am afraid of them, cause I'm not, its just there is a large group of guys invading my personal space--athletic boys might I add. Even though I wasn't scared on the inside, I sure as hell look afraid. Couldn't I get a break for once in my life?

Of course not.

I put my coat away and grabbed my textbooks quickly, hoping that they would go away.

“Getting ready for math’s eh?” he questioned, a wicked smile slowly lining his face.

“Go away” I mumbled, keeping my eyes on the ground. Why couldn't they go pick on someone else?


I looked down to see all of my books scattered on the ground. The papers flew in all directions but no one spared me a glance. Some people just laughed and walked away as they headed towards their classes. My day just keeps getting better and better. I peeked under my lashes to see the stares still directed towards me.

“Do you like milkshakes nerd?" What an unusual question to ask, I thought. Maybe they want it for a class project. A class project, yup that must be it.


“I think she does”

"I bet she loves it"

They other four chimed in.

“Umm….. yea, I guess I do” I replied nervously rubbing my hand together; hoping that this wasn’t another humiliating trick. They were intimidating and mostly everyone in the hallway had stopped what they were doing and were staring at me. I glanced at my watch to see that there was only two more minutes left till the bell rung. Great, now I was going to be late if they kept me held up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2013 ⏰

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