Chapter One- The Meeting

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-Last time-

I wonder if he's still the same awkward, funny guy from when we were 10...
*Damon's POV*

I wonder if she's still the same outgoing, loud, beautiful Madie from when we were 10...
"Cyr! I'm meeting up with an old friend tomorrow at 11! Are you gonna be okay?!" I yell.
"Yeah!" I hear him yell back.
I check my clock and it says 11:36 pm, so I put on a pair of sweats and set an alarm for 10. That way I'm not late to the meet up thing with Madie.

*Madie's POV*

I get up around 9:30 and get in the shower. I get out at around 9:50 and blow dry my hair. I change into a pair of purple shorts and TOMS with a Sleeping With Sirens shirt. I put on some eyeliner and straighten my red dyed hair and put in my angel bites. Putting on some light purple eyeshadow and some mascara I check my clock, 10:53. Making good time. I grab my iPhone, wallet, a pack of gum, and some headphones and head down stairs.
"Ali! I'm leaving soon! Love ya!" I yell before walking out onto my porch. I see a car pull up and see a cute boy with dark brown hair that is styled so that it sweeps across his forehead, get out. He starts walking up the driveway and I realize it's Damon so I stand up and walk towards him. I smile and hug him.
"Damon!!! It's soo good to see you! Your so tall!" You see I'm 5'1" which is really short... I'm fun sized.
"Madie? Holy tits! It is you! What did you do to your hair?! It used to be brown!"
"When I was 14 I started experimenting with hair dye... It was purple a couple weeks ago!" I start laughing.
"Cool! I was thinking about dying mine blue." We get in his car. As he drives, I study his features. The hair, his beautiful eyes that hypnotize me, his cute nose, even his acne. His acne isn't even bad. I cover mine up with concealer. I'm pretty insecure about myself. I'm fat, ugly, and have bad acne. He's muscularish (is that even a word?), sexy as fudge, and his eyes! Oh my shiznits! Oh shiz he's looking at me. Stop staring Madie! Stop. Staring. I look away quickly. Out of the corner of my eye I see him studying me. Ugh. He's gonna think I'm ugly and he'll never wanna be seen with me in public again. I steal a glance only to be caught in his gaze.
"We're here." He whispers softly. I nod my head.
"Let's get some COFFEE!" I yell getting out. He winced as I yelled coffee. I laugh. We walk in and he orders, I order a chocolate chip frappé(spellcheck). We sit down as we wait for the coffee.
"OH MY GOD IT'S DEEFIZZY!! AND MADBEFAB!!! OMG!!" This crazy fan runs up to us.
"Deefizzy?" I ask.
"MadBeFab?" He asks.
"Youtube." We say simultaneously. We burst out laughing.
"Can I have your guys' autographs??" The fan asks.
"Sure! What's your name?" I ask.
"It's Millie! Oh my gosh I can't believe you guys know each other!! How do you know each other?!" She asks handing us her phone case and a sharpie. I signed it and handed it to Damon.
"Well we're old friends. We haven't seen each other in a while. And we just met up again." I say as Damon signs the phone case and hands the stuff back.
"Oh my gosh! It's like a cliche love story!" Damon looks at me wide-eyed.
"Oh! We're just friends! Nothing more! Right Madie?!" Damon frantically says. Now I won't lie I was hurt. I mean of course he doesn't like me! Who would?! I'm probably viewed like a little sister... Ugh!
"Right Damon! Just friends..." I walk out after grabbing my coffee. I start walking towards the woods.
"Madie!! Wait up!!" I hear Damon yell. I run. I run into the woods and run home, knowing the woods like the back of my hand. I guess when I ran away a couple years back, I memorized them. I mean, I lived there for a couple of months... So I had to I guess... I trip on a log, face planting onto the ground. I hit my head on a rock, causing a MAJOR headache, otherwise known as a migraine. I reach up and feel my head. Looking at my hand I see red, dang.
"Madie!! Where are you?!! Please say something!!" I hear Damon yelling in the distance.
"Damon! Help!" I try yelling, only for it to come out as a weird choking sound.
"Madie?! Is that you?!" I hear Damon, a little closer. All of a sudden a man starts walking towards me. He has sunglasses on and a hunting rifle in his hand.
"Are you Madie? Is that boy trying to hurt you?" I shake my head no. "Is he your friend? Are you lost?" I nod. "Hey! Over here!"
"Madie!!" I hear Damon running towards us. When I finally see him I start to cry. "Madie whats wrong?" He asks looking worriedly up my body. I point to my head. He picks me up bridal style just as I pass out.

How was it?? Did you like it?? Hopefully you did...


Haters Gonna Hate. (Damon Fizzy fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora