Blue? Blue. Part 2

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Chapter fourteen of We good...bro? Edited.

Published on Dec 27th 2015

*Stevie pov*

Ally came back from her mom and dad's to pick me up and DAYUM she looked really beautiful. That tux fit her well. I am kind of feeling nervous about how I will look compared to her when I am walking with her. Oh well we will just have to see. I smiled at her and she gave me a small one back. I walked over to her and kissed her. I knew that she didn't like it. Did I do something wrong? I walked back over to the mirror to finish my mascara and just take a guess at what I saw on me and Ally. I saw red lipstick smudged on her lips as well as mine. Now I know what I did oh my god. I couldn't help it I started laughing. I had to sit down and rethink my life. I put my face in my hands as I started to calm down. "What are you- STEVIE OH MY GOD!" And there it is. I started dying again. I looked up at her and she was trying soooo hard to get it off of her lips. Finally she threw me a death glare that then softened and turned into her putting her hands up in surrender. "I.. I give up come fix this Steve." I stopped laughing and glared at her. I grabbed my lipstick and put it on her. Much to her disliking. I then kissed her again. "Better penguin?" She shook her head no frowning I laughed and touched up my lips before grabbing her hand and hugging her.

"Stevie we kind of need to get going." She said pulling away from the millionth kiss I gave her since she got back. I mean I missed her so make up for the lost time right? I rolled my eyes as she stood up and offered me her hand. As she locked up the house she grabbed my hand. Oh but we did not walk to the car as one would normally do, oh no on the contrary, we slow danced to the car. As we ended up by the door she dipped me leaning down and ghosting her lips over mine. I leaned up to kiss her but she pulled her head back grinning. She pulled me up and opened my door. I rolled my eyes huffed and got in. Crossing my arms and refusing to buckle my belt. She groaned and buckled it for me. I laughed but resumed being 'mad' at her. She sat in her seat and looked at me. She raised her eyebrow, "You know babes that was payback for making me wear lipstick with a tux you did that to make me feel silly huh?" She laughed and started the car as she finished talking. I smiled and continued to look straight ahead. She doesn't look silly with the lipstick on she still looks beautiful. I kept stealing glances at her from the corner of my eye. She was biting her lip in concentration. We are celebrating Christmas tonight we had agreed to this last night. She said she already had our whole day planned from 12:30 to 8 pm. She sure did. She got me up and automatically left to do things. We arrived at this small little restaurant that on the outside did not look like it was fancy at all so I felt over dressed. "Before you say anything you trust me right?" I nodded and she sighed got out and started walking to the door. I raised my hands up at her and huffed. What is she doing. She went inside the building and Steph came out to escort me in. We hooked arms and she took me to the small table in the middle of the room. Strange what is Steph doing here? I looked around at all of the guests. Why are they all matching? I looked at Steph questioningly and she just shook her head no with a smile playing at the corner of her lips.

I looked around for Ally and I couldn't find her. The sound the chair across from me made me think it was Ally so I turned around. It was...not Ally It was Danny. "Oh hi Danny." I tried to be happy when I said it but I have barely seen my penguin today and she is not really here at the moment. "Hi Stevie don't worry I am pretty sure she is just getting something for you. But for now you get to talk to the master of lesbian best friend ship." I almost spit out and choked on my water when he said that. "Danny shhhhhh." He laughed louder and started to lean off the chair. Finally before he realized what happened he fell off of the chair landing with a thud and a groan. The lights dimmed and a spotlight shone on the stage. There in a blue tux was the love of my life. She squinted and raised her eyebrow at Danny on the floor. "Well hi everyone! I was going to invite my best friend Danny up here but it seems that he is mopping the floor with his body at the moment so I am going to say a few words while he gets his butt up and gets up here." Everyone laughed at her and I could see that she was blushing because of the attention.

"Here goes nothing, Stevie I want you to take a look around the room." I did as told and noticed I saw all of our friends. How did I not see them before? Ally took a deep breath and continued to talk. "Stevie I have invited them here because they have all played important parts in our lives. My parents for giving me life and allowing me to be able to fall for such a beautiful, sweet, caring, funny, girl. The list can go on forever but I don't think people want me to brag that much about you. Al is here because she is the one that, well, tried to be the first to introduce us. But I want to thank that guy at the coffee shop for spilling his drink all over my shirt." People laughed quietly making ally bow her head and chuckle to herself. "Our friends because lets face it every one and when I say every one I mean EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM knew I was in love with you before I even knew. Ok I am not good at this and I am starting to get nervous and before I chicken out I have a song I want to sing to you. I hope you all enjoy it but especially you baby. I love you." I wiped away the few tears I got from laughing and her sweet words. She grabbed a stool and guitar walking back over to the microphone.

She started strumming and her, taking the lead vocals, and Danny, taking the background vocals, started to sing and play piano.

"I don't know you

But I want you
All the more for that

Words fall through me
And always fool me
And I can't react

And games that never amount
To more than they're meant
Will play themselves out

Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice
You'll make it now

Falling slowly, eyes that know me
And I can't go back

Moods that take me and erase me
And I'm painted black

You have suffered enough
And warred with yourself
It's time that you won,"

Steph came on stage and started strumming before Ally put her guitar down and started walking to me.

"Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice
You've made it now

Falling slowly sing your melody
I'll sing it loud"

She got on one knee and the music ceased. "Stevie boebi I am not asking you to marry me yet. Although that is one of my life goals. But I want you to know that I love you so fucking much. I love you and I cannot imagine life without you by my side," She recieved a chorus of awws from the crowd. "I don't want you to think I would ever do anything to hurt you I promise that I will always be by your side. I don't care how shitty our lives may get. As long as you are with me everything will be perfect. So will you please take this ring as a piece of a small part of our forever to always have with you?" She asked opening a small box that held a ring with two hearts on it. I nodded my head unable to take my hand off of my mouth to speak. She slid it onto my ring finger and pulled me up. She wiped my tears running her thumb over my lips. She held the microphone up to her mouth. "Stevie I love you always and forever." I took the microphone out of her hand and put it onto the table. I kissed her. Fireworks went off all over my body just like the first time I ever kissed her. We pulled away and Instantly she burring her head in my shoulder as everyone was standing up at their seat whistling or clapping. I laughed and hugged her close to me. I never want to let go of this moment.

Hey guys how is it going? What did you think? I think I suck at sappy chapters but I think this turned out kind of okay. Anyways You guys will get the rest of your christmas present before it is midnight here. So see ya in a few hours ;)





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We good...bro? (Stally) (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now