YOU'RE A HOBO?!?! part 3

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Chapter eight of We good...bro? Edited (not the best editing don't judge its really late.)

Published Dec. 4th. 2015

*stevie's pov*

I felt her trace over my tattoo with her finger lulling me to sleep with her humming. I fell into the best sleep I have had in a long time.

(next morning)

*Stevie's pov still*

I woke up with ally's head on my chest her arms around my stomach and one leg over my own. I smiled to myself and admired the beautiful girl that was cuddled around me. "You can stop staring now." She said without opening her eyes. "I look like shite." She added covering her head with the blanket. I rolled my eyes and started to get up completely forgetting about my boot and I fell on my face! Groaning I pushed myself up into a sitting position against the closet door. "Ally?" I asked surprised she had slept through all of the noise I just made. She peeked her head out from under the blanket. "Yuss? OH MY GOD?! WHAT DID YOU DO NOW?" She asked giggling. I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at the brunette on the bed. "Can you not and just some help me get up?!" I asked starting to get pissed off at how oblivious she was to the fact that I just woke up and needed to use the bathroom. She sighed and flung her legs over the side of the bed stretching her arms and back making her shirt lift up to reveal the small of her back and a portion of her stomach. I smiled as she stumbled her way over to me with her eyes half closed and the blanket slung over her shoulders. "Lady what's wrong?" She asked rubbing the last bit of sleep from her eyes. "Well I needed to and still do need to pee but I forgot about my boot and when I went to get up and fell on my face." I said in a baby voice pouting. She smiled and bent down to my level and kissed my forehead. I blushed as she stood back up offering her hands out to me as I grabbed them and did my best to stand up only using one leg. I managed, though it was barely I managed, to get up and I used the wall as a guide to the bathroom while Ally was changing and looking for my crutches. After I was done doing my buisness I washed my hands. As I was wasking my hands there was a knock at the door. "I'm decent it's open!!" I shouted rinsing the soap of my hands. Ally poked her head in. When she saw me fully clothed she opened the door completely. My jaw dropped. Damn could she get any more beautiful? I guess I had been staring at her for a while because she cleared her throat motioning with her hand 'Eyes up here.' I blushed and bring my gazeup to meet hers. "S-s-sorry.." I stuttered out. "Okay..." (A/n think of ally saying this XDDDD) She walked over to me and handed me my crutches. She stepped back. "So you know that date you agreed to go on with me?" She asked softly rubbing my cheek with her thumb effectively bringing my eyes up from fiddling with my crutches. I furrow my eyebrows and nod. "Do you not want to go on one with me anymore?" She asked quickly trying to mask the panic in her voice. "No Ally. I do, I do. It's just that I don't know why you are bringing it up. I thought YOU were backing out on me!" I said and I saw her visibly relax. "OH NO! I'm not canceling I was actually wondering if you would like.....wanted to.... to go on a brunch date with me. Alone no one else?" She said blushing at the end. I awkwardly made my way over to her. I put my pointer and middle finger under her chin lifting her head and gaze up. "Of course but can we stop by my house so I can shower and get ready?" She nodded and lead the way down stairs practically carrying me down them as I almost fell on my face using the crutches. When we got downstairs she sat me down on the couch and went back up to retrieve my crutches that we had to ditch a quarter of the way down. She got back down handing me the crutches and going over to grab her keys off of the counter. We made our way out of the door and onto the porch where she locked and checked then relocked the door multiple times. I finally got annoyed and bored and I grabbed her hand. She gave me an apologetic look. I sighed and started off to her car without her. I stood beside the passenger side door waiting for the beautiful girl to turn around and come over. She finally came over and opened the door for me like the gentle woman she is. "Oh thank you so much penguin!" I said leaning forward to kiss her cheek. She blushed and waited till I was completely in and shut the door. She stumbled over something on her way to her side but regained her balance giving me a thumbs up through the windshield. Still walking to her door. She got in and I couldn't help but giggle a bit noticing the blush that still tinted her cheeks. She blew a raspberry at me and started the car. "Your house first right and then the date?" She asked clarifying the plan for the day. I nodded and sat quietly. I was having a very heated argument with myself about Ally as the car pulled up and parked in front of my apartment. Ally got out and ran over to my door opening it before I even realized where we were. "Earth to pretty lady in my front seat." Ally said smiling and waving her hand infront of my face. "Huh? What happened?" I asked her confused. "Nothing you just stared into space the whole ride mumblling something about me to yourself." She replied stifiling a giggle. I rolled my eyes and unbuckled myself. I couldn't get my crutches and Ally was impaitent so once she got completely fed up with both of us not being able to get the stupid crutches out she turned around offering her back to me. I sat there looking at her like she was crazy for a second trying to figure out if she wanted me to get on or not. "You gonna get on Lady? It's only gonna cost ya a date with me today for brunch!" She said giggling. Right now is the perfect time to mess with her. I acted like I was really thinking about it for a bit. Finally I worked up enough courage to reply to her. "No i'd rather walk than go on a date with you." I said with a straight face and stood up and as my foot hit the ground I winced. She turned around and looked at me with the saddest and most hurt look on her face and her eyes were watering. Her crestfallen state made my heart hurt. I went to take a step towards her but when I put pressure on my foot I started to fall forward but ally quickly caught me and swiped my body up bridal style into her arms mumbling. "God stevie not very smart are ya." She kicked her door closed and started towards my door. She sat me down at the door. "Hey stevie I think I am gonna go once you get settled ok?" "Ally.." A tear made its way down her cheek. "Ally look at me! I'm sorry that was just a joke. I would be the stupidest lesbian in the world to not want to go on a date with someone as amazing, talented, beautiful, sweet and funny girl such as yourself." She wiped her tears and looked up at me."You really mean that pretty?" I nodded and unlocked the door and ally scooped me up and carried me to the bathroom with me telling her the directions.

We good...bro? (Stally) (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now