Let Me Go But Never Forget Me

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"Emma please, you can't do this there has to be another way." Killian chocked on his words as a tear rolled down his cheek. Killian was stood there watching the love of his life sacrifice herself to save him from the darkness. He ran towards her and touched her cheek.

"Killian no there isn't, this has to be done, i can't let you die killian because i would never forgive myself and i can't loose you but if i do this i won't loose you because i will always have you in my heart killian, even though i may be gone and my heart will stop, it will always hold you in it forever and that will never fade away because my love for you is like one of the strongest
forces in the entire universe, killian." Emma tried to control her tears because she wanted to be strong for killians sake. she touched his warm big hand that rested on her cheek and she pulled it down to his side again. She reached her arms around his neck and pulled him towards her and hugged him tightly.

"Please take care of Henry, i know that you will be an amazing father to him and i know hw thinks of you as his father." she whispered into his ear with a small sob. He held her tightly as she sobed into his shoulder.

"I will Love, i will do anything for you, you know that." Emma released fromhis embrace and lightly touched her head against his. "I know Killian and that is why you have to let me go." her voice broke a little and the tears came  strolling down her face. Emma reached for the dagger, and held it up above her head. Killian grabbed her hand. "I love you Emma, you are my true love, my soulmate, my best friend, my everything, my home." He wipedn the tears away from her eyes and kissed her sweetly. The last ever kiss they will ever share.

Emma dragged the dagger down and placed it in her heart. She breathed in deeply and let out a small cry and she dropped to the ground.

"EMMA" Killian cried out and ran to catch her, he sat on the ground and sat her on his lap as best as he could. Her eyes began to close and her breathing became slower. Killian couldnt believe what had just happened and he broke down into tears and load cries.

Emma was still alive but wouldnt be for much longer she reached fir his hand and rubbed it very slowly because she had no energy and all she wanted to do was drift into a sleep which would last forever. "Im sorry killian...I love you." Killian kissed her head as her eyes fully closed, his tears streaming onto her face. "Never forget me Killian." Her hand dropped from killians and her breathing stopped. She had drifted away and Killian just sat there and held her close. He put his lips to her ear and whispered one last thing to her just incase she might be able to just hear him before she goes to a safe place.

"Goodnight my Angel."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 23, 2018 ⏰

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