Chapter 12: In the cupboard.

Start from the beginning

"You're not claustrophobic, are you?" I asked, sitting on the ground.

"What? No, of course not! If I was, I'd be having a breakdown by now. Freak out about 'the walls closing in around me!' " He said blatantly waving his arms about, pacing in the limited space there was. I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks for confirming that," I replied flatly, making a huge hint of sarcasm in my voice. He gave me an annoyed look and went back to thinking. "You're not a happy fellow, are you Sherlock?". Once again, he turned to me with a look of utmost annoyance.

"I most certainly am! Just with certain people I have a temper" He said quietly.

"I'm one of those people," I laugh, smiling to myself. He gave me a confused look and sat down in front of me. "You do know there's no USB in here, right?" I asked, quite sure he was still looking for it.

"Of course I know that there's no USB in here, Alex. They just locked us in here" He said, finally seating himself opposite me.

"Maxine thinks of us as one of those perfect pairings, that's why she and John locked us in here. And also, Maxine probably wanted to get to know John. I strictly remember her saying

"You get the freak. I get the normal one" .

Sherlock gave me a look of understanding. "John was saying something like that the other day. He said

"Just go out with Alex already, can't you tell she likes you? I know Maxine's into me, and I have the guts to ask her out"

I could feel myself blush and he noticed. Of course he would notice. He's Sherlock BLOODY Holmes. World's only consulting detective. Tells who you are in a glance!

"Do you like me?"

"Sherlock, I've liked you ever since you first spoke to me. As like a super good friend I mean"

"Lovely to meet you Miss Moriarty, what are you here for, someone died?" He laughed.

"Exactly" I replied, smiling to him.

"I noticed you as soon as I walked in. As soon as I said 'Oh, who's this?' I'd already figured out what kind of person you were, what you were doing there and basically your whole life" He smirked.

"Oh you did not!" I exclaimed shaking his hands. He laughed heartily.

"Okay, I didn't," He revealed, smiling.

"Don't you hate people?" I asked arching an eyebrow.

"Only some, the ones that don't think. The one's that don't observe the obvious things" He added.

"Hang on, you know how you said you're a high-functioning sociopath, you present yourself as something you're not?," I said, slightly confused. "How does that work?"

"I present myself as not being attached to feelings, not really caring and that I'm the smartest person on Earth and I'd outlive God himself to have the last word" He replied simply. I laugh quietly to myself and he gives me a confused look. "What?"

"You really didn't know that the Earth goes round the Sun?" I laughed, trying my best to stifle them.

"Oh shut up!" He spat back. I laughed still and drummed my fingers on my knee. "As I was saying before I was interrupted by your childish giggles, I present myself as emotionless and not really giving a damn about anything and as John said "a smart arse" but- I suppose if you really wanted to try you could break me and make me use emotions" He said non-chalantly. I nodded. "You know, you can sometimes be more entertaining than John". I mumbled a soft 'Oh?' and he nodded."Would you like to come with me on a case in Scotland in a couple of weeks?"

"Sure! What would I have to do?"

"Well, seeing as you know your stuff with biology and rather me doing all the work as always, I can let you gain some experience testing samples and all that brilliant stuff"

"Sounds good" I smiled. We got up and I'd remembered something I'd seen on tumblr, demonstrating how to pick a lock. Damn, I think if you looked hard enough, tumblr could tell you how to hide a body. I pulled out a bobby pin from my hair and bent it and repeated what I had seen and the lock clicked and I turned the handle and the door creaked open. I bent the bobby pin back into place and put it back in my hair, turning to Sherlock and smirking then walking out. I could hear him laugh behind me and I couldn't see Maxine or John anywhere. I grabbed my stuff and headed out with Sherlock behind me and then WHOOSH! Something flew straight past me! I saw Maxine running away with something in her hand and John chasing after her.

"GIVE ME BACK MY PHONE!!" He yelled angrily, trying to get his breathing.

"NO!" Maxine laughed still running. John swore and stopped for breath. Maxine sneaked back around and stood in front of him and when he looked up, Maxine waved the phone in his face, laughed and ran off again. John growled and ran after her yelling "MAXINE!!" and Maxine was simply laughing, as was I and Sherlock stood beside me. Being himself, thinking about something irrelevant to what was going on. Sherlock and I, finally joined by John and Maxine and John's phone safely back in his hands, all piled into a cab and headed back to 221B Baker Street. While Maxine and John were quarrelling like an old married couple, Sherlock was reassessing me on what I knew about cells and everything relating to that. That was our topic all the way home, making each other laugh with jokes that sometimes I didn't get, but I laughed anyways for his sake.

To all those people from high school that said I'd never be with someone because I was too much into science, look what science can give you. Put a solute with it's solvent and you get an excellent solution.

a/n: Hope you all like this chapter. They're science buddies aaw:3

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