"Above ye both are the stars, below ye are the stones, as time does pass, remember. Like a star should yer love be constant, like a stone should yer love be firm. Be close but not too close, possess one another but be understanding, have patience with the other, for storms will come but quickly shall they go, be free in giving affection and warmth, make-" Balin choked slightly, his next words causing both to blush, "-make love often and be sensuous with one another. Have no fear and let not the ways or words of the unenlightened give ye unease. Ye are bound by the mating of yer souls and by the vows of this here marriage. Now and always. Ye have become one with the other, and with the old ones of nature and the new ones in the earth, i proclaim ye soul mates of old, and husband and wife anew."

He placed his hand over theirs and pulled at the ties of the ribbon, making sure they were secure. Kili and Keerla both looked at their tied hands, confused.

"The bonding of yer bodies has been complete, now ye must bind yer souls. The ribbon shall come free in the rise of the sun, and i am going to go back inside and pretend i don't know what the two of ye are about to do."

Keerla blushed, letting Kili pull her into his side, and they watched Balin head back toward the house, but he paused and looked back at them.

"For what it's worth, i understand why ye haven't told them yet, but i think ye should when ye return."

"We will," the two chimed, making him smile.

"I knew the two of ye were meant to be, knew it as soon as the lass told me she loved ye, Kili."

This made the young dwarf archer turn to Keerla with a smirk, and she muttered a curse, lowering her eyes to the ground. Balin slipped away, leaving them by themselves. They stayed silent for a while, simply gazing at the ribbon holding them together, or into each other's eyes.

"Are you happy about this, truly happy?" Kili asked, and Keerla smiled.

"I could never be happier, my love."

"Thank Mahal," he sighed, resting his forehead on hers, "Now what do you say we go finish this?"

They managed to keep themselves quiet, or quieter than they had been when they descended the Carrock. But the night was alive with fire and passion, it burned them from their insides out, and even when they moved to the pond it did little to calm the raging need. Eventually when their bodies were worn and their spirits unable to be bound any closer, they fell into a peaceful sleep, naked under the cover of the trees.


It wasn't long after the sun came up that Keerla woke, and watched as the ribbon slipped from her wrist, off Kili's and onto the grass. She smiled, and lifted her head from Kili's chest to press a kiss on his chin. As she moved up slightly to kiss his nose, he groaned and opened his eyes, smiling at her.

"Morning," he greeted in a husky voice, making her shiver.


"Does this mean we have to go back inside?" he asked, looking at the sunlight coming through the trees.

"Yes, yes it does," she pecked his lips, "Because we should really tell everyone, before Balin accidentally lets it slip."

They pulled on their clothes, pausing after every article for a kiss, and sorted each other's hair before slipping back into Beorn's house. Everyone was awake and sitting at the table and Balin gave them a large grin as Kili handed him back his ribbon.

"Well, i didn't expect that," Dwalin grumbled, then eyed the ribbon. His jaw dropped, "That's – That's Balin's binding ribbon for the Amorem wedding ceremony."

"Wait, are you two-" Fili pointed between them, and then let out a cry when they nodded; "You got married without me?!"

"Way to sound like a woman, brother," Kili laughed, slapping him on the back.

"You got married?" Bilbo asked, staring at them in shock, "I mean i knew the two of you were, but i didn't think – oh."

"Well i think a congratulation is in order!" Bofur cheered, "Get them!"

Keerla squealed in laughter as every dwarf jumped on her and Kili, squishing them in tight hugs. It took ten minutes for everyone to get it out of their system, and pass coins around as they had made bets on the two of them. None had considered them getting married, it was mostly about when they'd come out and tell everyone they were courting.

After Gandalf gave them both a clap on the shoulder and few words, they took their seats and started breakfast. Kili's hand tightened around hers, and Keerla looked up confused. But when she followed Kili's gaze, she saw Thorin sitting at the end of the table, staring away from them. It was only then she realised he had not been among the others who congratulated them, in fact he had yet to look at them.

"Kili?" she asked, her voice quiet.

Fili glanced up, seeing what was going on and then rested his hand on Kili's shoulder, "He'll come around Kili, just give it time. You deserve to be happy; don't let his foul mood get to you. He's probably still annoyed we're going through Mirkwood."

"We're what?" Keerla asked, her eyes widening. "Oh you cannot be serious. I thought we would have come up with a way around that."

"Unfortunately it is the safest path," Gandalf explained, "The only path the Orcs won't follow."

"It's not the Orcs i fear," she muttered, taking a drink of milk.


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