14. It's been a while

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My eyes widen. Do Jun and Ken know each other?

Shiro covers Natsu's ears and glares at Ken. "If you're just going to be shouting then do it outside, there's a child here and not to mention a business running here."

"Ken, Shiro's right. We need to do this outside," Jun says and glances at me. "You as well Kimiko."

Ken reluctantly lets go of Jun. I gulp. What's going on now?

Natsu's eyes water. "What's going on Kimiko?"

"... don't worry I'll be back," I put up a smile.

I look at Shiro and she doesn't say a word but just analyzes me.

The three of us head out and look at each other in the eye.

Jun clears his throat. "You gave me quite a shocker back there Ken."

"Save it Jun," Ken sighs frustrated and turns to me. "Are you okay Kimiko? How have you been?"

".... I've been fine. A nice family took me in when I had no where to go and I've been working at Jun's place for some spending money," I tell him and look at the two of them. "How do the two of you know each other?"

"You didn't tell her did you?" Ken questions and Jun shrugs.

"I never got the chance to," Jun awkwardly laughs and looks over at me. "Kimiko I haven't fully introduced myself, but I'm Jun Tsukiyomi, Natsuki's uncle and the current adult guardian for Natsuki, your sister."

Natsuki's uncle....

I grit my teeth frustrated. This is the man that took Natsuki away from me. If it wasn't for him then Natsuki would be with me. She wouldn't have left—-

No... that wrong. Even if he wasn't there, she still would have left.

"Kimiko... I've been searching you but I didn't want to do it this way. You father said it's time for you to go home," Ken states. "Your involvement with Jun while in the status of missing is dangerous for both of you. Not to mention, if you are absent any longer the school is going to get more suspicious about your missing appearance. You need to return to the Serizawa family household."

"... Ken. how long did my father know where I was?" I ask.

Ken bites the bottom of his lip.

"Ken! Tell me the truth!" I shout and he flinches.

"I don't know how long exactly but he was keeping eyes on you for a while," Ken answers.

My heart drops. He knew but he never came to get me. He brought Ken to pick me up but couldn't do it himself.


Why does my father not care about me!? He only wants me to be the head of the business and nothing more!

I look at Jun and Ken. The people around me right now. They're also involved in some way with the Serizawa family. Even though I tried to run away from the Serizawa family. I really can never truly run away.

The cafe door slams open and Natsu sprints over to my side. "Kimiko!!!" Natsu shouts and glares at Ken. "Don't take Kimiko away, I'm protecting Kimiko because Shoyo's not here!"

Wings (Haikyuu Fanfiction Series!!!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora