6. Terrible Sleep

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Kimiko POV

After getting permission to stay in Shoyo's house, Shoyo happily shows me around his house. I walk along with him and slowly look around his house seeing the differences between his home and mine. Shoyo's house is small compared to mine, but after seeing his house, I think that having a small house is better than a big house. That may sound silly, but when you're living in a big house with tons of space all by yourself, you can easily feel lonely.

My eyes follow the pictures on the wall as the two of us walk upstairs. There are a bunch of pictures with Shoyo smiling with family hanging around the walls for everyone to see. This family is like the perfect family you can rarely find today. A tinge of saddness fills my heart. I can't even find a picture in my house where my family is smiling like that. Rather I never sincerely smile around my family except for Natsuki and Ken.

Out of all the pictures, there was one simple picture that caught my attention. "Shoyo is this a picture of you and Natsu?" I stop to stare at the small orange hair boy smiling with his delicate baby sister in his hands. Seeing those two make me think of me and Natsuki automatically.

"O-Oh, that's me," he says as cheeks suddenly flush bright red. "W-wait were you paying attention to the pictures and not me?!" He asks me completely flustered with the idea that I've been looking at pictures of him the entire time instead of listening to him.

"But it's hard not to look at the pictures on the wall." I state gesturing to all the pictures on the wall. "Besides I think it's cute, you're a great older brother Shoyo," I beam a wide smile. "That's probably why Natsu adores you so much."

He laughs. "Nah I think she loves to get piggy backs from me, but I think she really adores you Kimiko. After all when she first saw you, she wanted to help you out immediately." He says and small smile forms on his face. "And it's the same for me as well," he mumbles.

The two of us go around the rooms upstairs and stop at the empty room. "Here Kimiko you could sleep here," Shoyo quietly says so he wouldn't wake up Natsu who's sleeping at the room across from mine."No one uses this room so you can sleep here. I'm right next door so if you need anything just call me. Also the bathroom is straight to your left near Natsu's room." He grins and I nod my head.

"Thanks Shoyo," I thank him and watch him go to his room.

I open the door to my new room and put my things to the side. I gently fall onto the bed and stare at the ceiling fan. So much has happened today. I ran away from home. Shoyo let me live here and now I have to find my place in this world. I'm forced to be the next head of the Serizawa family after Natsuki's leave, but I can I really do it when father doesn't even bother to acknowledge my presence till now.

I toss and turn in bed trying to sleep. It isn't going to be easy to adjust to. This is different from home, yet home isn't any better. I shuffle around the bed and my eyes land on the violin case leaning on the wall.

(Flash back - About 1 year ago ~ Natsuki's last match ~ Shiratorizawa v.s. Kitagawa Daiichi)

"Natsu-nee! Congrats on your win on the game!" I run over to Natsuki and give her a big hug. I couldn't stop smiling after seeing the fantastic final match between Shiratorizawa and Kitagawa Daiichi. Natsuki shines so brightly as the setter in the team and brought the whole team together. I could never be such a great setter like Natsuki. She's amazing! I love her so much! I look up to Natsuki expecting her to be happy over her win, but I notice a shadow of a doubt on her face.

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