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Dr. Spencer Reid's POV

[September 30th, 2009]

"Ramón Sanchez!" Morgan shouts, holding his gun up as he stands near the front door of the second UNSUB. "Open up! This is the F.B.I."

I have my gun trained on the door, but there is no sign of anyone inside the small and dilapidated clapboard house. We are all here other than Prentiss, who is staying behind with Rosemary. We watch as Derek kicks the door open, all of us vigilantly filing through the doorway.

"Clear!" Rossi calls from the kitchen.

"Clear!" Hotch from the living room.

"Clear!" Morgan says, holstering his gun and walking out of the sunroom. "It looks like he skipped town as soon as he caught wind of Andersen's arrest."

"He could be anywhere by now!" I exclaim angrily, wanting to catch an UNSUB easily just one time.

"Reid, we'll find him," Rossi consoles me quickly. "He doesn't know that we know who he is. If he uses any kind of credit card, we'll catch him."

"I'll call Garcia and ask her to find any additional properties that he may own." Hotch says, grabbing his cell phone and taking a step outside.

The rest of us stroll around the house, searching for any indicator as to where Sanchez has gone.


Rosemary Cooper's POV

Agent Prentiss decided to stay with me while the others went to Ramón's house.

"We have secured a place for you to stay tonight at a local hotel," she informs me, and I raise my eyebrows. "The Bureau will cover all expenses."

"Thanks," I say while debating on if I should ask my dumb question. "But what is a hotel?" I ask, deciding that it's not that huge of a deal and that she understands.

"Oh, right, sorry," she smiles. "A hotel is basically just a huge building filled with individual rooms that you can pay to sleep in as a guest. They're commonly used by people who are traveling or are on vacation."

"Sounds pretty cool." I smile, somewhat excited to see this hotel that she's talking about.

"Alright, I'll take you now," she says, the two of us getting into the elevator from this morning. "There will be two agents in the hotel lobby monitoring everyone who comes in and out, so you have nothing to worry about, alright?"

"Yeah, thanks a lot," I say as we rapidly move down towards the ground floor. "I really appreciate it."

I follow her outside and she waits beside the passenger door as I get into another large black SUV. Prentiss told me that it was called that, but I don't ask why. Why isn't every vehicle just called a car? It seems like it would be easier that way.

We drive for about 15 minutes, making easy conversation until she turns and parks in front of a massive building. My eyes are massive as I stare at the large glass windows and the absolutely gargantuan light fixture that hangs down from the very top almost to the ground level.

"This," Prentiss gestures as the automatic doors slide open to reveal a lavishly decorated lobby. "Is a hotel. Not too shabby, eh?"

"Not at all!" I gasp, making her laugh as we approach the front desk.

She discreetly flashes her badge at the clerk working at the frond desk.

"I'm SSA Prentiss with the F.B.I.," she states. "I was informed that the staff was already made aware of the situation?"

"Yes, ma'am," the middle-aged woman nods, grabbing a small envelope and handing it to her. "Here are the keycards. She'll be on the third floor, room 357."

"Thank you very much." Prentiss nods to her before the two of us walk away from the counter.

We go into another elevator and make it to the third floor. I follow her down the long hallway filled with numbered doors. We reach one that says 357, and she inserts one of the cards into a small slot near the door handle. A small beep is heard and the slot flashes green. She opens the door and lets me in behind her.

There is a large, soft-looking bed in the room along with a couch and a television. There is a small refrigerator under the desk and there's a bathroom to my right.

"Wow." is all I can manage to say.

"Alright, Rose," she says, drawing my attention. "You will keep this keycard and I will keep the other one," she hands me the keycard that she used to get us in and pockets the other one. "Here's a card with all of our phone numbers on it. Be sure to call if you need anything, alright?"

"Yeah, of course," I smile, putting both of the cards next to the phone. "I really appreciate everything you guys are doing for me."

"It's nothing, really," she replies, opening the door and stepping into the hallway. "I'll come to pick you up at around 8:00 am tomorrow morning, alright?"

"Okay," I nod. "See you then."

"Bye, Rose." She says with a slight smile as she closes the door, checking the handle to make sure that it locked behind her.

I take a deep breath and decide that the first thing that I'm going to do is take a shower to try to freshen myself up. I couldn't take a proper shower at the hospital, so I choose to take advantage of this amazingly nice shower.

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